Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Thursday, April 18th, 2019
We’ve had very few sign-ups for the Internal Throwdown. With it being only 6 weeks away we’re going to need people to sign-up sooner than later otherwise we will need to cancel the event. If you’re planning to participate, please Sign-up. If we don’t have a minimum of 50 sign-ups by May 1st, we’ll unfortunately have to cancel. *Sign-up for the 2019 CVCF Team Internal Throwdown – HERE – Registration will close Sunday 5/19 WOD: Option A – CrossFit Burn Burn programming will be kept “hidden” as has always been and will be posted just in the gym. It will be modeled to fit accordingly with Wednesday’s and Friday’s programming so there is not direct overlap of movements. Option B – Active Recovery This is meant to be done on your own, in the side gym, or if class is small for Burn, this can…
Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Wednesday, April 17th, 2019
We’ve had very few sign-ups for the Internal Throwdown. With it being only 6 weeks away we’re going to need people to sign-up sooner than later otherwise we will need to cancel the event. If you’re planning to participate, please Sign-up. If we don’t have a minimum of 50 sign-ups by May 1st, we’ll unfortunately have to cancel. *Sign-up for the 2019 CVCF Team Internal Throwdown – HERE – Registration will close Sunday 5/19 WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 7:30 – Every 1:30 x 5 sets: 5-10 Ring Rows OR 5-10 Band Resisted Bar Rows + 5/side Alternating Single Leg V-ups Pick reps, positions, etc. that you can maintain for all 5 sets. 1b) 7:30 – 15:00 – Every 1:30 x 5 sets: 20-30 second Chest-to-Ring Ring Row Hold + 5 Kettlebell Upright Rows OR 1-2 Rope Climbs 15ft (No feet on the way down) Pick reps, positions,…
Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Tuesday, April 16th, 2019
*Sign-up for the 2019 CVCF Team Internal Throwdown – HERE – Registration will close Sunday 5/19 WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 15:00 – Every 1:30 x 10 sets: 1 Snatch Pull + 2 Low Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Overhead Warm-up as needed. Start around 50-60% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. Hang Position should be anywhere below the knee but not touching the floor. 1b) 16:00 – 21:00 – 5 minute AMRAP: Max Complexes From “A” Above @ 70% of Day’s Max Perform as many complex as possible in 5 minutes at 70% of your day’s Max. For example, if you hit 200lbs for the complex, then you perform as many complexes as possible in 5 minutes at 140lbs. 2) 10 minute AMRAP: 18 Wall Balls 20/14 12 Toes-to-bar 6 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs 50/35 @ 24/20 Dumbbell Step Overs are low volume, make them difficult….
Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Monday, April 15th, 2019
*Sign-up for the 2019 CVCF Team Internal Throwdown – HERE – Registration will close Sunday 5/19 WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 10:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets: 4/side Back Rack Reverse Lunges Warm-up as needed. Alternate legs each rep. Reference last week for loading. Add 2.5-5lbs from last week. If you’re not comfortable going heavier at the top end, work to bring-up just your bottom sets. 1b) 10:00 – 18:00 – Every 2:00 x 4 sets: 5/side Tempo (1-5-1) Dumbbell Goblet Split Squats Start at a moderate load and build as deemed fit. Tempo is the goal here again. Tempo both up and down is basically whatever is comfortable, or dictated by the load. The main goal here is the 5 second pause just off the floor in the bottom. Perform all reps on 1 leg and then switch to the other. The total set should take the better part of…
Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Saturday, April 13th, 2019
*Sign-up for the 2019 CVCF Team Internal Throwdown – HERE – Registration will close Sunday 5/19 **Sunday, April 14th, 8-10 AM. Gym Clean-up Day…there will be NO Open Gym. Come lend us a hand, we’ll be painting plates, cleaning bars, tearing down machines and we could use your help. Donuts and Coffee will be provided. WOD: 1) 4 rounds AQAP: 400m Run 30 Wall Balls 20/14 15 Pull-ups Extra Work: 2) Sled Drag: 400m @ Bodyweight Stimulus is constant movement. Scale loading as needed. Not for time. Focus on staying as upright as possible and really focus on walking through your heels and getting good hamstring and glute activation. 3) Single Arm Split Kneeling Dumbbell Strict Press: 4 sets of 8/side Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE For those athletes who need a little help getting…
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