Category: Sport

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Monday, May 22nd, 2017

* As of this week our bathroom renovations should be going full swing. The expected timeline is approximately 8 weeks. We don’t have a detailed timeline of the project, so please bare with us, we will keep you updated as best we can. By July we should have two nicely renovated bathrooms, with 6 showers, and approximately double the space…showers won’t be touched for at least 2-3 weeks (as of 5/15). WOD: 1) Front Squat Every 2:30: 7-5-5-3 Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. 2) Back Squat Every 2:30: 7-5-5-3 Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. 3) Death By Squat Clean: 95/65 Perform 1 rep the first minute, 2 the 2nd minute, 3 the 3rd minute, and so on until you can no longer complete the work prescribed in the minute. Extra Work:…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Saturday, May 20th, 2017

* We’re getting Married HERE ** As of this week our bathroom renovations should be going full swing. The expected timeline is approximately 8 weeks. We don’t have a detailed timeline of the project, so please bare with us, we will keep you updated as best we can. By July we should have two nicely renovated bathrooms, with 6 showers, and approximately double the space…showers won’t be touched for at least 2-3 weeks (as of 5/15). WOD: 1) 4 rounds AQAP: 400-800m Run 5 rounds of… 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats Extra Work: 2) Handstands: 10 minutes Practice Work on any facet of getting upside down. 3) Single Arm Dumbbell Row: 4 sets of 10/side Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. Keep it strict. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Friday, May 19th, 2017

* We’re getting Married HERE ** As of this week our bathroom renovations should be going full swing. The expected timeline is approximately 8 weeks. We don’t have a detailed timeline of the project, so please bare with us, we will keep you updated as best we can. By July we should have two nicely renovated bathrooms, with 6 showers, and approximately double the space…showers won’t be touched for at least 2-3 weeks (as of 5/15). WOD: 1) 3-Position Snatch: Every 1:30 x 7 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. No dropping the bar between reps. Order is Hang, Below the Knee Hang, Floor. 2) 3-Position Clean + 1 Jerk: Every 1:30 x 7 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. No dropping the bar between reps. Order is…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Thursday, May 18th, 2017

* We’re getting Married HERE ** As of this week our bathroom renovations should be going full swing. The expected timeline is approximately 8 weeks. We don’t have a detailed timeline of the project, so please bare with us, we will keep you updated as best we can. By July we should have two nicely renovated bathrooms, with 6 showers, and approximately double the space…showers won’t be touched for at least 2-3 weeks (as of 5/15). WOD: 1a) 20 minute EMOTM: Movement 1 – Monostructural Conditioning Movement 2 – Gymnastics/Skill 1b) 20 minute EMOTM: Movement 3 – Non-Monostructural Conditioning Movement 4 – Barbell Movement 1 – Monstructural Conditoining – Row, Assault Bike, Ski Erg, Run, or Burpees. Double-unders are not an option. Pick a Distance or Caloric output that leaves you with about 40-50 seconds of work on each round. Movement 2 – Gymnastics/Skill – Push-ups,…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Wednesday, May 17th, 2017

* We’re getting Married HERE ** As of this week our bathroom renovations should be going full swing. The expected timeline is approximately 8 weeks. We don’t have a detailed timeline of the project, so please bare with us, we will keep you updated as best we can. By July we should have two nicely renovated bathrooms, with 6 showers, and approximately double the space…showers won’t be touched for at least 2-3 weeks (as of 5/15). WOD: 1) 0:00-25:00 – Every 5:00 x 5 sets Run 800m 5 Rep Push Press Warm-up as needed. For your Push Press starting around 60-70% of your 1RM. Scale the Run as needed. It should take no longer than 4 minutes. Goal should be to push the pace on the run, treat it as an interval. The remainder of the time in the 5 minute block is to hit…