Category: Sport

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

* Yoga Series starts this Sunday, January 11th @ 9:15 AM. No additional cost, but it counts as a normal class on your membership. Bring your own mat. This will be a 6 week series. ** Paleo Challenge starts February 2nd, info HERE. *** The 4th Annual Leave Your Inov-8s at Home CVCF Holiday party is on for Saturday January 31st. Purchase your tickets HERE. Ticket Sales Close January 20th. WOD: 1) Halting Jerk: 5 sets of 1 Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Hold the bottom of the dip for 2 seconds before exploding up. 2) Push Press: 4 sets of 3 @ 85% Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. 3) 4 rounds for Max Reps: 40 seconds Row For Calories 20 seconds Rest 40 seconds Shoulder-to-Overhead 95/65 20 seconds Rest 40 seconds Pull-ups 20 seconds Rest Extra Work: 4) Row: 2k Time Trial This should be a…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

* The 4th Annual Leave Your Inov-8s at Home CVCF Holiday party is on for Saturday January 31st. Purchase your tickets HERE and PLEASE, it would be super, totally awesome, if you don’t all wait until the last minute so that we can have an easier time planning and preparing accordingly. Ticket sales will close January 20th WOD: 1) Snatch: 3 sets of 1 @ 82.5% Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. All reps full Squat 2) Clean and Jerk: 3 sets of 1 @ 75% Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. All reps full Squat and Split Jerk. 3) Snatch Pull from Deficit 2″: 3 sets of 3 @ 90% Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Use straps if you need them/have them. 4) 9 minute Up Ladder: 3 Hang Squat Cleans 115/75 3 Burpee Lateral Bar Hops Extra Work: 5) Hollow Position: Accumulate 3 minutes Keep track…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Monday, January 5th, 2015

* The 4th Annual Leave Your Inov-8s at Home CVCF Holiday party is on for Saturday January 31st. Purchase your tickets HERE and PLEASE, it would be super, totally awesome, if you don’t all wait until the last minute so that we can have an easier time planning and preparing accordingly. Ticket sales with close January 20th WOD: 1) Front Squat: 3 sets of 5 @ 70%, 3 sets of 3 @ 80%, 3 sets of 1 @ 90% Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Add 2.5-5lbs from last week. 2) 3 rounds AQAP: 20 V-Ups 30 Box Jumps 24/20 40 Air Squats Extra Work: 3) Hip Thrusts: 4 sets of 8 Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. 4) Single Arm Dumbbell Row: 4 sets of 10/side Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed….

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Saturday, January 3rd, 2015

* The 4th Annual Leave Your Inov-8s at Home CVCF Holiday party is on for Saturday January 31st. Purchase your tickets HERE and PLEASE, it would be super, totally awesome, if you don’t all wait until the last minute so that we can have an easier time planning and preparing accordingly. Ticket sales with close January 20th WOD: 1) 20 minute AMRAP: 10 Toes-to-bar 15 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 20 Wall Balls 20/14 Extra Work: 2) Butterfly Pull-ups: 10 minutes Practice Work on any facet of a Butterfly Pull-up 3) GHD Sit-ups: 3 sets of 20-30 reps Rest 90 seconds between sets. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Sport: Friday, January 2nd, 2015

* The 4th Annual Leave Your Inov-8s at Home CVCF Holiday party is on for Saturday January 31st. Purchase your tickets HERE and PLEASE, it would be super, totally awesome, if you don’t all wait until the last minute so that we can have an easier time planning and preparing accordingly. Ticket sales with close January 20th WOD: 1) Power Snatch + Snatch: 2 sets @ 50%, 3 sets @ 60%, 2 sets @ 70% Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. No dropping the bar between reps. % is of your Max Snatch. 2) Snatch Pull: 3 sets of 3 @ 100% Warm-up as needed.  Rest 90-120 seconds between sets.  3) Snatch Deadlift (Tempo): 3 sets of 3 @ 110% Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. These should be performed at Tempo, 2 seconds up, Pause, 2 seconds back down. If you can control the weight…