Category: Sport

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, March 14th, 2014

WOD: 1) Jerk Complex: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. 1 Jerk Complex consists of 1 Push Press, 1 Push Jerk, 1 Split Jerk 2) “Open 14.3”- 8 minute AMRAP: 10 Deadlifts 135/95 15 Box Jumps 24/20 15 Deadlifts 185/135 15 Box Jumps 24/20 20 Deadlifts 225/155 15 Box Jumps 24/20 25 Deadlifts 275/185 15 Box Jumps 24/20 30 Deadlifts 315/205 15 Box Jumps 24/20 35 Deadlifts 365/225 15 Box Jumps 24/20 Get as far as you can in 8 minutes. Extra Work: 3) Handstands: 10 minutes Practice Work on any facet of being on your hands, hold, walk, etc. 4) GHD Sit-ups: 4 x 12 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Add load if able. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, March 13th, 2014

* There will be no AM classes today. First class of the day will be at 12:00 PM. Hope to see you all in the afternoon/evening. WOD: 1) 20 minutes EMOTM: Odd, Open Prep, Even, Movement of Choice Open Prep Movements can be any of the following, Burpees, Box Jumps, Jump Over the Box, Thrusters, Wall Balls, Shoulder-to-Overhead, Deadlifts, Toes-to-bar, or Muscle-ups. Movement of Choice can be anything that you’d like to work on, it should just be a movement that you struggle with. 2) 4 rounds for Max Reps: 40 seconds Row for Calories 20 seconds Rest 40 seconds Kettlebell Swings 53/35 20 seconds Rest 40 seconds Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead 35/25 20 seconds Rest Extra Work: 3) Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlift: 3 x 12/side Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. 4) Assault Bike: 5 x 1:00 ON/3:00 OFF Max effort. Keep track of calories each…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, March 12th, 2104

WOD: 1) Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5 Warm-up as needed. Rest 2 minutes between working sets. Establish a 5RM for the day, other 4 working sets should be within 80% of this. 2) 12 minute AMRAP: 12 Power Cleans 135/95 12 Burpees 12 Box Jumps 24/20 Extra Work: 3) Double-unders: 10 minutes Practice If you have a consistent 50 Unbroken Double-unders in workouts work on Triple-unders. 4) V-ups: 3 x 15-25 reps Rest 90 seconds between sets. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments Paleo Challenge The Paleo Challenge ended officially last Thursday, but athletes retested their Benchmark workouts on Monday. It has been amazing and inspiring to see some of the amazing transformations many of you have made whether it has been a first change to your diet and introducing a more intensive exercise regime, or hopping back on the wagon…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

* The Paleo Challenge is officially over. You need to weight in, ideally at the same time and in the same clothes you wore before. We will retest your benchmark workout on Monday 3/10. Results must be filled in by Tuesday, 3/11 @ 8 AM. After that time the spreadsheet will be locked if you don’t have your scores in than you are out of luck. Winners will be announced on Wednesday’s daily blog post (and if you want your winning’s you must pose for a photo op first :-). You are free to eat what you want starting Friday, but remember, the ultimate goal of the Paleo Challenge is for you to change your lifestyles, permanently, not just for 60 days. If you’ve done well, treat yourself, but don’t throw everything out the window now that it’s over. WOD: 1) 12 minutes EMOTM:…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, March 10th, 2014

* A quick note for everybody competing in the Open. It’s awesome to see so many people signed up and your enthusiasm for the workouts is great. With that being said, if you want to redo the workout, please just don’t assume the coaches and space is available for you to do so come Monday. Monday is the busiest day of the week at the gym, and things are back to normal, the coaches are there to coach class. If you really need/want to redo the workout you need to find a time and coach who is willing to give you their time off class hours to retest the workout. Please be considerate of both the coaches jobs at the gym and of the other athletes in the gym who aren’t competing in the Open and are there to take part in class. ** Clothing Order that…