Category: Sport

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

WOD: Power Clean: 5-5-5-5-5 Power Cleans should be touch and go. Looking to find a max weight for 5 reps. Make sure all 5 sets are heavy. You can rest in the rack or hang position, but the reps must be touch and go off the floor.“Annie”- 50-40-30-20-10 – AQAP:Abmat Sit-upsDouble-unders Sit-us are butterflied and unanchored. Hands must touch flat on the ground in front of the feet on each rep.For results post heaviest T&G Power Snatch set and time for “Annie.”Post results/thoughts to comments Nice work on the snatches today everybody. For those who have been buckling down and working on your technique and mobility it is paying off huge. Nice work on “Annie” a bunch of you hit it for your first time Rx’d and many of you hit PR’s. Cheers. Julie and Jordan hammering out some sit-ups TUCK JUMPS! – Jade

How You Can Be A Better CrossFitter

Yoga: The Crossfit of Stretching Champlain Valley Crossfit is introducing Yoga, a 4 week program every Tuesday, for those of you who want to increase performance, mobility and clarity.  Some of you will read this and say, “Cool” while others will say, “Meh, not for me,” but wait!! What you might be thinking: “I don’t think I’d do well in a yoga class.”“Yoga sounds like too much work.”“Yoga is for girls. It’s not a guy thing.” “I don’t need yoga in my life to recover.  So what if I can’t reach behind my back to get that itch, or bend down to tie my shoes, or catch a clean in a perfect front squat?” Now…. let’s replace some of those words. ” I don’t think I’d do well in CrossFit.”“CrossFit is too much work.”“CrossFit is for guys who are already strong. It’s not…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

WOD: 1 and 1/4 Front Squats:2 @ 45% of 1RM Front Squat2 @ 55% of 1RM Front Squat2 @ 65% of 1RM Front Squat5 x 2 @ 75% of 1RM Front Squat For these you should be going down to the bottom of a Front Squat, coming up just past parallel, basically you sticking point, and then immediately going back down into the bottom of the squat and coming all the way up. That is one rep.12 minute AMRAP:12 Hand Release Push-ups12 Box Jumps 24/1812 Ball Slams 40/30 For results post weight used for the 5 sets of 2, and total rounds and reps performed in the met-con along with any scaling usedPost results/thoughts to comments And some of you really thought I was going to throw a lot of bar work on the agenda today after yesterday. Come on now, I’m not that mean. Nice…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, May 7th, 2012

WOD: “Eva”- 5 rounds AQAP:800m Run30 Kettlebell Swings 70/5330 Pull-ups For result post time and scaling if scaledPost results/thoughts to comments Absolutely amazing work today everybody. You should all be extremely proud of yourselves. Not sure you all realized it, but you ran 2.5 miles today, along with 150 swings and pull-ups. Some beat up hands were had, hopefully not too bad, you won’t really need them tomorrow. Again truly awesome to watch you all grit your teeth and push through this workout. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers. Lisa right overhead Stephanie working hard and taking to our coaching words, “can you do one more,” she did a few rounds of the swings unbroken Seems all the photos today are of swings, Amos with a perfect overhead position – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, May 5th, 2012

WOD: 30 minute AMRAP:10/side One Arm Kettlebell Shoulder-to-Overhead 70/5320 Kettlebell Goblet Squats 70/5330 Kettlebell Swings 70/5340 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlifts 70/53 For results post total rounds plus reps and Kettlebell weight used.Post results/thoughts to comments Way to keep moving today everybody. A few Kettlebell movements we haven’t seen in a while, and for some of you they were pretty tricky. Just like with the Olympic lifts some of the Kettlebell moves can be tough, when doing them focus on the technique and that will pay off. Have a great rest of the weekend, look forward to seeing lots of you in the door on Monday. Cheers. We missed getting pictures today…so a sweet little video to get you pumped up to lift some heavy weights, oh and that last lift is 423.5lbs – Jade