Category: Sport

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, April 28th, 2012

WOD: “Kelly”- 5 rounds AQAP:400m Run30 Box Jumps 24/1830 Wall Balls 20/14 For result post time and whether prescribed or scaledPost results/thoughts to comments Way to tear it up this morning everybody, a little chilly, but it was definitely nice out. A brutal combination that really had the legs burning and the lungs working. Some new leader board times were had, great job. Another benchmark on Monday, see you then. Cheers. Hucking the med balls Aliza on the release – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, April 27th, 2012

WOD: 5 rounds for Max Reps:40 seconds Row for Calories20 seconds Rest40 seconds Mountain Climbers20 seconds Rest40 seconds Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 95/6520 seconds Rest40 seconds Push Press 95/6520 seconds Rest40 seconds Ball Slams 40/3020 seconds Rest For mountain climbers, range of motion is knee to tricep, each side equals one rep. For results post total reps for the entire workout.Post results/thoughts to comments Wow we had an awesome crew in tonight for the bring a friend potluck. Thanks to everyone who stopped in. You guys all pushed hard and did awesome, and it was so much fun working with all of you. That workout was punishing and you all showed some real grit working through it and continuing to put the hammer down. Benchmark tomorrow. Cheers. Adam putting the bar overhead Garrett getting the ball overhead 53 people in for the “Bring a…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, April 26th, 2012

WOD: Deadlift: 5 x 3 @ 90% of 1RM – Rest 2 minutes between sets If 90% is too heavy scale accordingly. You should be lifting the same weight for all 5 sets 15 minute AMRAP:25 Abmat Sit-ups25 Kettlebell Swings 53/35250m Row For results post weight lifted for deadlifts, and rounds plus reps of AMRAP. Every 10m on the rower counts as one rep.Post results/thoughts to comments Nice job on the deadlifts today everybody. You guys all pulled some heavy weights, and then threw down on the workout. Lungs, lungs, lungs on the met-con, way to keep moving and not slowing. Hope to see lots of you in tomorrow. Cheers. Kieran moving some weight Cranking Maxx recently finished On-ramp and has been coming consistently and making great progress – Jade


Many of you have been asking about Progenex. Unfortunately the company is completely out and backordered. I’ve placed an order but they will not be getting stock until early May. If you would like some and know you are going to get it, you can pay for it in advance so that I know I’ve ordered enough. In addition to Progenex we are now carrying Ultima. This an electrolyte replacement drink that you just add to your water. It’s great for those of you who are quite active or for those that might drink a TON of water like many of us do. It has zero sugar, is naturally sweetened, and is plant based, so that minerals are absorbed more efficiently by your body than typical electrolyte replacement drinks. Cost is $30 a canister which provides 90 servings. We bought a limited amount…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, April 25th, 2012

WOD: 15 minutes to establish Max Shoulder-to-Overhead:Warm-up accordingly and then 15 and only 15 minutes to establish a max Shoulder-to-Overhead. These are done out of the rack and can be any of the following, Strict Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk6 rounds for Max reps:20 seconds Muscle-ups20 seconds Power Clean 135/9520 seconds Ball Slams 40/3060 seconds Rest After the 6th round rest 3 minutes and then complete3 minute AMRAP:10 Air Squats10 Alternating Jumping Lunges For results post max load for Shoulder-to-Overhead, and total reps for the met-con, combining the 6 rounds and 3 minute AMRAP.Post results/thoughts to comments Nice work today everybody. We saw some big numbers put up on the overhead movements. Tobias got his first muscle-up today, congratulations. While many scoffed at the little itty bitty 3 minute AMRAP, I think all of you found your legs to be jello…