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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, April 23rd, 2011

WOD: CF Open 11.5 – 20 minute AMRAP:5 Power Cleans 145/10010 Toes-to-bar15 Wall Balls 20/14 Post results/thoughts to comments Hope you all have a great Easter Weekend. I imagine many of you are traveling as there was hardly anybody here this morning. Get your fill of treats in, we hope to see you on Monday. For those who were in, great job on a tough workout. Cheers. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, April 22nd, 2011

WOD: Deadlift: 10-8-6-4-2 Strict Press: 5-5-5-Burnout (Burnout set, take 75% of your heaviest set and perform max reps of strict press, push press, and push jerk, one after another) AQAP:400m Slam Ball Squat Clean & Chest Throw 40/30 Post results/thoughts to comments Great work today guys. We saw some HEAVY deadlifts and a bunch of PR’s. We also got to make use of the wonderful new slam balls, hope you guys all enjoyed the new torture device. Hope to see you tomorrow, we will have some new toys out and up. Cheers. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, April 21st, 2011

WOD: Squat Snatch: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 12 minute AMRAP:3 Squat Snatch 135/966 Burpees3 Handstand Push-ups6 Burpees Post results/thoughts to comments First want to send our healing wishing to Ryan Ochs. He dislocated his shoulder in class, we hope he has a speedy recovery. Thanks very much to Mike and Alex for taking care of him and bringing him up to the hospital. A lot of people are really starting to get the hang of the squat snatch and we saw a bunch of PRs today, from 35lbs all the way up to 215lbs. Great work guys. See you tomorrow for some fun. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

WOD: Front Squat: 8-5-3-1 (although the last set is only supposed to be a single, go for multiple reps if possible) Strict Press: 8-5-3-1 (although the last set is only supposed to be a single, go for multiple reps if possible) 12 minute AMRAP:6 Toes-to-bar6 Kettlebell Lunges Per Side 35/266 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups Post results/thoughts to comments Great work today everybody. We saw a bunch of PRs, many people hitting a bodyweight Front Squat, and Chris hit a bodyweight strict press. Hope you aren’t too sore from the lunges tomorrow. Look forward to seeing big groups in tomorrows classes. Cheers. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

WOD: 5 rounds – 90 seconds rest between sets: These movements must be unbroken10 Clapping Push-ups10 Box Jumps 36/3010 Medball Slams 20/14 5 rounds AQAP:7 Deadlifts 315/20521 Double-unders Post results/thoughts to comments Great job today everybody, you got a little double met-con action today. Some light/bodyweight interval work and then a good heavy met-con. Whether it specifies in the programming or not it’s always good to try and do sets unbroken, both for mental and physical strength. Make it a part of all your training. Again sorry for the lack of pictures. Hope we see you tomorrow. – Jade