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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

WOD: “Fight Gone Bad” – 3 rounds – 1 minute each station – 1 minute rest after all 5 stationsWall Ball 20/14Sumo Deadlift High-pull 75/53Box Jump 20/16Push Press 75/53Row for Calories Post results/thoughts to comments Wow, what a workout everybody, those who weren’t here truly missed out on a burner. You guys all did an awesome job and we saw some great scores come out of today’s workout. You are all continuing to get stronger, fitter, faster, leaner, etc. keep it up. 8 more days of the Paleo Challenge, keep with it, and then keep with it some more, make it a lifestyle. Great work everybody. Cheers. Kim, Nancy, and Phil working through FGB Bruce is one of our newest clients and he has been hitting it hard, coming 5 days a week, and choosing to work on technique over weight, follow his…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, February 21st, 2011

WOD: Work Your Weakness Strength: Reps 2-5 – Perform a set every minute on the minute for 10 minutes (must be a strength barring movement, can be barbell or gymnastics as long as it is a strength movement, try and stick to the same weight and reps for all 10 sets) As Many Reps as Possible:5 minutes Sumo Deadlift High-pull 95/654 minutes Power Clean 95/653 minutes Push Press 95/652 minutes Thrusters 95/651 minute Overhead Squats 95/65 Post results/thoughts to comments As usual great work today guys. I have to put a big shout out to Kathy Allen for all her pull-ups today. A couple of months ago Kathy couldn’t do a pull-up and today she did 10 sets of 3 reps during the strength work, that’s 30 pull-ups, awesome job Kathy. Hope to see a bunch of you tomorrow for a solid benchmark…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, February 19th, 2011

WOD: 3 rounds AQAP:25 Pull-ups50 Push-ups75 Abmat Sit-ups100 Air Squats Post results/thoughts to comments Wow we had some awesome classes this morning. It was so much fun having such a big class at 9:15, you guys all killed it, pushed hard, and crushed the workout. Many of you are getting closer and closer to pull-ups, keep at it, they will be there soon. Have a great weekend everybody, see you Monday. Cheers Working through the WOD…Cindy with a great squat A huge class at 9:15…I think 18 people Sophie representing – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, February 18th, 2011

WOD: Jump Rope: 10 minutes “DT”- 5 rounds – AQAP12 Deadlifts 155/1059 Hang Power Cleans 155/1056 Push Jerk 155/105 Post results/thoughts to comments Great work today guys, all the Olympic work we’ve been doing lately is paying off as it is making you guys more efficient and comfortable with the movements, and in turn allowing you to move some more weight. Hope we see a bunch of you tomorrow morning. Cheers. Erik getting that bar overhead “DT” Megan with a solid rack position for the push jerk Courtney and Tanya looking on as the rest of the class finishes the workout – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, February 17th, 2011

WOD: 1RM Power Clean: Take 10 minutes to find your 1RM Power Clean 3 Power Cleans @ 80-90% of 1RM every minute on the minute for 8 minutesAQAP:75 Turkish Get-ups 53/35 Post results/thoughts to comments Big PRs all over the place today, we saw many of you moving some serious weight, awesome work everybody. Awesome job as well on the Get-ups, I think many of you found that workout to be deceivingly hard. Send your healing wishes to Brian Allen, he broke his collar bone yesterday snowboarding, we are going to do our best to get him in and do some training. See you guys tomorrow. Cheers. The noon class working through the power cleans Sophie with a big PR of 143lbs…getting that hip open before the pull Working through the get-ups Bryant at the top of a get-up Scott getting the 175lb…