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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

WOD: Muscle-up Practice: 15 minutes (work on any facet of muscle-ups) 21-15-9 AQAP:Thrusters 95/65Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 95/65 Post results/thoughts to comments No first muscle-ups today, some of you are getting closer, and it was great to see how much progress many of you are making on your pull-up strength and ring dip strength. The met-con while maybe not looking to awful was a real burner as many of you found out. Way to push it hard and keep it short, the way it was meant to be done. See you guys tomorrow. Cheers. Matt making big progress…4 weeks ago barely getting to 1 /4 squat, now he’s hitting that full depth…congrats Matt Damon pushing hard as always Stretching out Terri with some power getting that bar overhead Rugby crew…one heat started the rest of the guys waiting their turn – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, January 10th, 2010

WOD: Jump Rope: 10 minutes Split Jerk Practice: 10 minutes (work light, work on foot work, speed under the bar, and keep that chest up tall in the dip) 5 rounds AQAP:1 Clean and Jerk 185/1353 Muscle-ups5 Box Jumps 40/36 Post results/thoughts to comments Great work today everybody. We did a good bit of clean and jerk work last week and I really think it paid off today. Everyones movements are continuing to improve. Many of you stepped it up today with the higher boxes which was awesome to see, high box jumps are all about commitment. Nice to see so many people in the gym as well. Congrats to Ken and Phil who both got their first muscle-ups today as well. A reminder, the linkbar has a page for the Paleo Challenge, check it out, get pumped, and get ready to get…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, January 8th, 2010

WOD: Teams of 2 complete AQAP:Row 2k (can be done in any format, a single 2k row, trade off 500’s, etc. may only use 1 rower per team)then…5 rounds17 Partner Push-ups23 Partner Deadlifts 315/22547 Air Squats (47 air squats total need to be completed, while one member air squats the other must hold 2 53lb kettlebells in the rack position, if the kettlebells drop from the rack the person performing air squats must stop, you may trade off however you like) Post results/thoughts to comments Awesome work today everybody, you all pushed hard through a tough workout. I’m going to try and start doing team workouts a little more often as I think everybody is enjoying them. Have a good weekend and see you on Monday. Cheers. Tanya and Colleen deadlifting with Rick and Jess in the background busting through the air squats…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, January 7th, 2011

WOD: Clean and Jerk Complex: 1-1-1-1-1 (consists of 1 Deadlift, 1 Power Clean, 1 Hang Squat Clean, 1 Split Jerk) 10 minute AMRAP:3 KB Turkish Get-up Left 53/353 KB Turkish Get-up Right 53/3512 Pull-ups Post results/thoughts to comments Some more clean and jerk work today which many of you saw big improvements on just over Tuesday. The more you perform these movements the more natural they will get. Keep at it guys. Hope to see a bunch of people for a team workout tomorrow. Cheers. Jeff with a split jerk Ryan, Jeff, and Rick getting up Phillip and Chris on the pull-ups Ken getting some weight overhead – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, January 6th, 2011

WOD: Thruster: 5-5-5-5-5 (must be cleaned from the floor to start) 12 minute AM-REP-AP:Row 1000m75 Hang Power Snatches 65/45Air Squats In 12 minutes you must complete the row, the snatches, and then perform as many air squats as possible in the remaining time. Score is total air squats. Post results/thoughts to comments Have to say I was super impressed with everybody today, you all moved around some pretty serious weight on those heavy thrusters. You all clearly felt the burn on the met-con…one thing to remember with the more complicated movements, a la the snatch. Most of you understand the movement and know what to do with the PVC and with your weight come the beginning of the workout, but then that often disappears as the workout goes on. This isn’t because you don’t know how to do the movement or even because…