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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, October 29th, 2010

WOD: – Snatch Balance: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 – “Isabelle”- AQAP30 Snatches 135/95 Post results/thoughts to comments Getting comfortable with that weight overhead today, so awesome to see guys. While the olympic work may be overwhelming it is so important for building strength, speed, and power…don’t get frustrated with it. Every week you all get a little better at the movements…Jeff B. made huge improvements today on his squat and power snatch. Awesome work everybody…good to see some more names up on the leader board. See you in the AM. Cheers. Jeff with huge improvements on his Snatch technique today Sabrina pulling herself under the bar…she’s off to ski race for Dartmouth for the winter, thanks for coming to train with us Sabrina Donny and Alex in their respective catch positions Video of me doing “Isabelle” this afternoon. Definitely tougher than I expected, really felt my…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, October 28th, 2010

WOD: – Front Squat: 5-5-5-5-5 – 12 Minutes – As Many Reps As Possible: You have 12 minutes on the clock to perform the row and then complete as many box jumps as possible in the remaining time. Score is total box jumps.Row 2KBox Jump 24/18 Post results/thoughts to comments Great work today everybody, front squats are getting better and everyone looked like they got worked on the lethal combination of rowing and box jumps. You guys all pushed hard through the met-con and put up some impressive numbers on the front squat…Sabrina at 145×5 and Trevor at 275×5. As usual, way to kill it guys. Benchmark WOD tomorrow, see you guys then. The noon crew making their way through the 2K Warming up with some medball skill transfer movements Alex working his front squats One heat down and done…second heat on the…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

WOD: – Seated Box Jump: 10-10-10 – Split Jerk Skill Work (Max weight is the bar, work on speed under the bar, foot work, stance, etc): 10 minutes – 9-6-3 AQAP:Deadlift 315/205Muscle-up Post results/thoughts to comments Big ups on the seated box jumps today. Some of you guys were soaring on those things. Good to see a few of you starting to get muscle-ups as well…you’ll be able to do them in WOD’s pretty soon. Lastly way to lift some heavy weights in a conditioning workout. You guys all killed it in every aspect today, and the split jerks already looked much better than yesterday. It’s great to see some bigger classes, we are growing with just over 50 people now, and hopefully 8-10 new people starting next week. Keep pushing yourselves guys you are all making huge gains. Cheers. Justin rocking bar…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

WOD: – Clean and Jerk Complex (1 rep consists of 1 Deadlift, 1 Squat Clean, 1 Hang Power Clean, and 1 Split Jerk. Complex must be completed in 20 seconds): 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 – “Helen”- 3 rounds AQAPRun 400m21 Kettlebell Swings 53/3512 Pull-ups Post results/thoughts to comments Awesome job on the Olympic work today everybody. We went through the Burgener Warm-up to get going and many of you are starting to get a better handle on those movements. Way to push those lungs on “Helen” today you guys all pushed hard and are all making strides in both your conditioning and all of the strength movements we’ve been using. Pull-ups are getting way better for many of you. Awesome work. See you tomorrow. Cheers. Erik in the hole on the clean and jerk complex Walter nailing a split jerk The train coming in from their…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, October 25th, 2010

WOD: – Jump Rope: 10 minutes – “Air Force Karen”Complete 150 Wall Balls 20/14 AQAPEvery minute on the minute perform 5 burpees, workout starts with 5 burpees Post results/thoughts to comments Awesome work today everybody…Nadir really picking up the double-unders and many of you are starting to get a few here and there. Good job on the wall ball workout…do keep in the back of your head in any workout that form is of utmost importance over intensity. I’d rather see you guys do the reps properly and take a little longer…today a lot of the squats were a little shallow, so keep that in mind for the future, you’re only hurting yourself by not hitting the movement all the way. Hope to see you all tomorrow for another benchmark WOD. Cheers. Hitting the wall balls Donny and Scott working the wall balls…