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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

WOD: – Banded Deadlift: 5×3, 50% of 1RM, Blue Band, 45 seconds rest between sets – Banded Box Squat: 5×3, 40% of 1RM, Green Band, 45 seconds rest between sets – “Annie” AQAP50-40-30-20-10Double-undersAbmat Sit-ups Post results/thoughts to comments We had a solid day of training today, and as promised everyone’s hands and back got a break from the pull-up bar. We hit another benchmark WOD today, and for those who could do double-unders the WOD was done as prescribed. Unfortunately in the morning we didn’t have the equipment to set up the bands, but by the afternoon we got people using the bands, and most were extremely enthusiastic about them…you’ll be seeing them relatively often. It was nice to see some of the On-Rampers come in during the evening classes as well. See you guys tomorrow. Cheers. The ladies in the morning doing…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

WOD: Squat Snatch Work: 15 minutes Met-con:“Angie”100 Pull-ups100 Push-ups100 Sit-ups100 Air Squats Accessory: Good Morning 3 sets 20 reps Post results/thoughts to comments So I promise you all there aren’t any pull-ups for at least a few days, everyone has pushed hard and is getting visibly stronger on the pull-ups and learning to kip. We had a great turnout today, and the gym was packed with 15 people at 5:45 PM. On-ramp is done for the week but those that have been attending don’t hesitate to come in the rest of the days. We had a bunch of people come in for their first class and two new members sign up, if you see someone you don’t recognize, say hi. You guys are all doing an awesome job…keep it up. Look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow. Cheers. Vinny flattening the medball with…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

WOD: – Find your 1 Rep Max Box Jump Height – Work You Weakness Strength Bias: 5-5-3 – 10 Minute AMRAP3 Squat Clean and Jerk 135/958 Ring Dips Post result/thoughts to comments We had a great day in the gym today. The On-Ramp crew got introduced to the thruster, and with that was able to complete the combo of thrusters and pull-ups to perform “Fran.” Everyone did a great job and we got scaling down perfect, with no one being over 7 minutes. The daily WOD went well, people worked on a variety of strength movements from power snatches to back squats, and some mental head games were played with the box jump. Top height for the day was 47″ done by a few people in the gym. Look for this again as a benchmark power movement. Those who were in agony today…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, September 20th, 2010

“Murph” AQAP1 Mile Run100 Pull-ups200 Push-ups300 Air Squats1 Mile Run Post time/thoughts to comments. We had an awesome day today. Those in the On-Ramp class got a workout that was a little longer than what we have been doing, and got a taste for the lovely wall balls. Those hitting the daily WOD worked their way through Murph…some incredible examples of mental endurance were displayed in that workout. Everyone did an amazing job, and congratulations to Ken…the kip finally clicked for him and he has got it down, watch out now. See you all tomorrow. Just about to start “Murph” Jennifer leading the pack on the run during the On-Ramp class Wall balls – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, September 18th, 2010

Great to see some of you in here this morning. Everyone worked their way through a tough WOD today and showed some great mental strength. It was great to see a couple On-Rampers come in to the normal class and get the feel for a slightly longer workout. We had 3 people in at the free intro class as well, you guys did a great job, we hope to see you back. Have a great weekend everyone. Cheers. Jeff and Kim Dannies rocking out some wall balls Ken pushing his way through the overhead walking lunges – Jade