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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, August 6th, 2010

Wow, just wanted to say everyone did an amazing job. The WOD today was certainly brutal, long, heavy, etc. I was really impressed, and really wanted to be out there with everyone. It was great to see a few new comers and again, they were eager to jump right in at the appropriate level. Another solid group of 12 or so two workouts in a row is great. Thanks for coming out everyone. Cheers. The daily weapon of choice Warming up The WOD starts Chris pushing the 50’s Pushing through Some deadlifts and push presses – CVCF

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

Awesome workout tonight. I think most can say the WOD was deceivingly hard. Everyone worked their tails off and did a great job. Big shout out to Bob, Chris, and Amy who came out and did a great job, working hard, and getting right in the mix their first day. We had a big group tonight, 13 people, and the team workout worked really well for the group. Less than a week we will be in our space. See you guys out Friday. Cheers. Intro discussion of the plans for the WOD 3, 2, 1, GO Everyone working hard Partner transition A little of everything, press, pull, deadlift Cool down stretching session – CVCF

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Sunday, August 1st, 2010

We welcomed August with a nice hard WOD this evening. Basic, simple, but painful, 400m Walking Lunges for time. We had a great group out this evening, and two new people, Jeff and Kristy, who did an incredible job, pushing hard, and adjusting the workout where it was needed. One more week and we move into our space, and shortly thereafter we will be up and running. Thanks to those that have been a constant support for us. The coming weather looks good, we will see you out on Wednesday. Cheers. Racing around the track Home stretch, feeling the burn Post WOD – CVCF

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, July 30th, 2010

We had another great night at the park tonight. Angelique and Amber from CrossFit SantaFe are in town and came out to workout with us which was awesome. We mixed some burpees and one arm dumbbell thrusters together to get what seemed to be a very high intensity WOD. Everyone pushed hard, and a couple people conquered bigger weights then they thought they could handle. Awesome workout, to the track for Sunday. Cheers Starting with one arm dumbbell thrusters Finishing with burpees – CVCF