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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

We had an awesome workout tonight at the park, and the rain held off just long enough to get our workout in. We mixed things up this evening and did an ab only circuit to warm-up, and then did a met-con with a few different movements, one being box jumps. We had a nice big group, and everyone rocked out and push the pace. We had three new people out tonight, Greg, Richard, and Pat, who all pushed it hard and did great. Cheers. Some warm-up stretching Start of the workout Nearing the end – CVCF

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Sunday, July 25th, 2010

Great park workout this evening. We mixed things up considerably from our typical training, and did  a few different, short, max efforts. We also had a few new people out this evening which was great. Solid training session, and the coming weather looks to be a bit more favorable for outdoor training compared to what we had this week. Cheers. – CVCF

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, July 23rd, 2010

Great group out to train tonight. We ran a 2 person team workout, and introduced a new movement tonight…Turkish Get-ups. Solid crew and everyone did a great job. We had 3 new people out this evening as well which was awesome. Placed a big order with Rogue Fitness today, there should be a coupe big pallets of equipment showing up on August 10th, yahoo. Things are getting ever closer to actually opening, hope to see a bunch of people out Sunday evening. Cheers. Some running and turkish get-ups Team members switching out on the TGU’s Ross rocking out a TGU The ending minutes – CVCF

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

Some crazy weather today in Burlington. Lightening, thunder, and some crazy winds. Despite the sporadic weather changes, 11 people came out tonight, waitted for the rain to die down a bit, and worked out under a small sheltered area at Dorest Park. We had an awesome workout, everyone pushed the pace, and there was a lot of encouragement back and forth with each other throughout the workout. Great workout, we’ll be back at the park Friday night. Cheers. Some nasty looking clouds Some of the guys running in from the 800m Pounding out rounds of the AMRAP – CVCF

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Sunday, July 18th, 2010

Another solid training session today. We had a couple new people out tonight, one, Sam Paschel, used to train at the original CrossFit in Santa Cruz, and now lives in Burlington. Super cool to hear about those experiences. We mixed things up a little tonight and did all of our movements with bumper plates…including running. A great time was had by all. We’ll see everyone back out on Wednesday. Cheers. – CVCF