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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, May 20th, 2010

Ah, soreness is even worse today. Glutes are fine this morning, but my quads are in extreme pain. I’ve been having trouble walking around all day. Did trail work for about 5 hours this morning, was good to be out and moving around, but I don’t think it helped loosen up my muscles too much. Back is still messed up, again slowly getting better, but still not right, and definitely not ready for any heavy lifting. Despite the leg pain I came home and forced myself to do a workout which went suprisingly well. WOD: AQAP:1.0 mile Schwinn Airdyne20 Power Snatch 75lbs30 Inverted Rows40 Push-ups50 Box Jumps 24″40 Push-ups30 Inverted Rows20 Power Snatch 75lbs1.0 mile Schwinn Airdyne 16:29 Workout was solid and I felt pretty good throughout it. Smashed through the first set of power snatches unbroken which felt good. From there it slowed…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

Day off today. I’m wicked sore. Glutes are hurting a little bit, but my quads are really destroyed. Serious pain there. Definitely a much needed rest day. Hope I’m in good shape to workout tomorrow. Cancelled tonights workout because of the rain, ended up getting sunny in the evening, probably would have been alright. Bummer to cancel two weeks in a row now and have the weather end up being nice around workout time. Friday looks gorgeous for a workout at the park. Hoping I’m good to go for a WOD tomorrow. Cheers. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

Feeling good this morning, except for my back hurting still. Legs suprisingly feel fine. I thought they’d be hurting more since I haven’t really squated in months. Knees felt fine throughout the rest of the day yesterday, and they felt fine most of the day today so I decided to hit them with a little more today. Hopefully they respond favorly again. Gorgeous day today, and was nice to workout outside again. Hopefully get a good crowd tomorrow at the park. For anyone reading this my other computer with my mailing list is being replaced and all the data is being transferred to a new one, hence I don’t have access to my e-mail list. I will be at Dorest Park tomorrow at 6:30 as long as the weather is good. Hope to see some folks. WOD: Met-con: 42-30-18 reps AQAP:24″ Box JumpWalking…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, May 17th, 2010

Got a solid night’s sleep last night. I was cooked after the ride. Had a big dinner and pretty much hit the sack. Body feels good this morning, of course my back is hurting. My knees felt exceptionally good this morning so I decided to work them a little today. I’m wondering if the cycling is helping them. Nothing to crazy with the workout today. WOD: Back Squat: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×5, 195×5, 205×5 3 rounds with 1 minute rest in between rounds, 30 seconds in each position of:Left PlankRight PlankFront PlankLeft Bird DogRight Bird Dog Squats felt OK. Definitely a little weak. I could have gone a little heavier but my back was not feeling it. I think when I was actually squatting this winter my best was 255×5. So 205 is definitely low, but not awful considering I haven’t really squatted…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Sunday, May 16th, 2010

Feeling prety good this morning. Back is still not right, it seems to be getting better little by little but definitely not all there. Traps and shoulders are a little sore from yesterday’s workout. Trail day today which went well, 12 or so volunteers showed up. Got out and rode in the evening as it was so nice. Trails are in incredible shape. Ride was good and I felt like I was riding well. My “wind” was good, but my legs were again feeling weak. Overall already felt stronger than the other day though, so that’s good. Probably going to hit the weights tomorrow, do some strength work as I’ve had a heavy anaerobic day today, and a met-con yesterday. Cheers. – Jade