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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, May 15th, 2010

Feeling really tired this morning. Did some work at my Dad’s house clearing some trees, came home and went back to sleep for a couple hours. Not sure what the deal is, just feeling a little worked. I think my first full week of doing trail work probably took it out of me a bit. Good ole manual labor. Motivated myself though and got in a solid WOD with my roommate. WOD: 10, 9, 8….3, 2, 1 reps AQAP of:Box Jump 24″Power Clean 95lbPush Press 95lbSumo Deadlift High-pull 95lb 10:56 Workout was solid, perfect weight. Heavy enough that it got a little tough to move around, but not so heavy that I had to rest for long periods of time. Box jumps need some work, need to keep doing them, my quads were definitely feeling it when I got around to the box…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, May 14th, 2010

Rest day today which is much needed. My body is still hurting all around. Hammies, shoudlers, etc. are all hurting still. I was absolutely exhausted after the mountain bike ride last night. I worked in the woods yesterday morning doing trail work for about 5 hours and then rode in the evening and it completely took the life out of me. Haven’t been that tired in a while. Park workout this evening went well. Smaller showing this week, but a bunch of people e-mailed me saying they were out of town. Starting next week we are going to do Wednesday and Friday. Did a tabatta based workout, very leg intensive. Everyone worked hard and seemed to have a good time. Already feel like we are building a little community with these workouts. Going to hit the weights again tomorrow. Cheers. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, May 13th, 2010

Wicked sore this morning. What was sore yesterday is worse today. No “CrossFit” training today, but I got out for a solid mountain bike ride. I consider it the first one of the season as my actual first one was 2 months ago. Didn’t ride terribly long about 1.5 hours, but long enough given how sore I was feeling. I definitely felt a little out of biking shape. My cardio was good, but I think the combination of not riding in 2 months and being sore made me feel like I was going slow. On the other hand I did lead the entire ride, pretty much always ahead of people, so I can’t be to out of it. Try to get a couple more rides in over the next week and I think I will feel pretty solid. Hopefully the ridiculous pain that…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

Quite sore this morning. Hamstrings are really sore as are my traps and shoulders. Knees were hurting quite a bit last night and hurting a bit this morning. Back still feeling a bit off this morning, but I decided to do some training. WOD: Muscle-up Progression: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 Speed Deadlift: 185×5, 5, 5, 5, 5 Muscle-ups felt okay, but definitely a little weak. The dips felt a bit weak, but the pull felt strong. These were done from the knees, since I don’t have anywhere to hang my rings high enough to do a full muscle-up. Deadlifts were done for speed, trying to move the weight as quickly as possible. Felt good, but my back definitely didn’t feel that good. Probably take a rest day tomorrow, may go out for a mountain bike ride. Cheers. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

Felt well enough to get a workout in today, plus I was itching to get some exercise. Knees have been hurting quite a bit lately not sure what the deal is. Going to starting being consistent and do everything I can to help them get better. Good solid training today. WOD: Strength/Power: Seated Box Jump 18″-24″: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 DB Stiff Leg Deadlift: 40×10, 10 10 Met-con:3 rounds AQAP:1 Mile Airdyne Bike30 Kettlebell Swings 35lb30 Push Press 75lb 14:47 Very happy with my training today especially considering I’m definitely not a 100%. The box jumps were done seated on an 18″ box and jumping to a 24″ box. Similar concept to doing box squats. Have the legs completely unweighted on each rep and then explosively fire. Stiff leg deadlifts were the same as always, felt good and I’m sure my hamstrings…