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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, May 6th – Monday, May 10th, 2010

Sorry for the lack of posts everyone. I’ve been hurt, sick, and busy. My back is still not feeling right and I’ve had a sore throat, mucus build up for a few days. I had my college graduation this weekend which might be a slight contributor to that. Graduated Summa Cum Laude which I’m pumped about, 3.91 GPA. I haven’t taken this much time off from training in quite a while. Feels nice to rest, but on the other hand I feel like a lazy bumb. On a much more positive note 13 people showed up on Friday to workout at Dorest Park. I couldn’t be more thrilled. We had a wide variety of people and abilities and I felt like everyone had a good time. We did a team WOD which looked fun, from my perspective, haha. Everyone worked well together and…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

Woke up this morning feeling great, especially my back. I loaded it up with tiger balm before bed last night and that seemed to help it a lot. No training today but I got plenty of movement and exercise. Did trail work today and we did a bunch of dirt moving and I moved a lot of rocks. Got my share of deadlifting in on the trail. Going to hit my back with some tiger balm again tonight. My back is feeling pretty good right now, a little irritated from lifting rocks all day, but overall 10 times better than yesterday. Hoping it  will be a little better tomorrow. Cheers. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

Back felt pretty good today. Could still feel a little pain in it, but overall it felt pretty. Feel good after crashing early last night and sleeping for 10 hours. I was reading last night and couldn’t keep my eyes open for the life of me so I hit the sack early. Felt good going into my training session but that didn’t last long. WOD: Strength:Power Clean: 200×3, 3, 3, 3, 2 Met-con:10 rounds AQAP:10 Box Jumps 18″10 Push-ups 6:47 Training started off good, but as soon as I got into the heavy power cleans my back felt like crap. Me being stubborn, I kept training. The heavy power cleans put my lower back on fire and it really started hurting. By the time I got to the last round I didn’t think my back would hold up for the 3rd power clean….

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, May 3rd, 2010

Woke up this morning feeling a bit better than yesterday. The lump in my throat was still there, but not feeling as bad. Back was feeling slightly better, but still not all there. I got out in the woods for about 4 hours to do trail work this morning. Wasn’t sure how my back was going to handle the trail work. Most of the work I did today was bench work, so a lot of moving dirt with a hoe. That meant a lot of time spent hunched over. Honestly my back felt pretty good afterwards, and with a lot of twisting, I felt a bunch of pops throughout the day. Felt pretty beat in the afternoon but motivated myself to get a workout in. I knew I needed it after all the days off, and I felt my back would be good…