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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

Rest day today. I was thinking of trying to do some accessory/maintenance work today but just didn’t have the time. With one week of school left I’m a bit busy, and didn’t have the time to get out today. Glutes and hamstrings are incredibly sore this morning. You can always count on walking lunges to hit you hard. Shoulders are a little sore, other than that I feel good. My knees were hurting a bit last night, and a little this morning, but not too bad. Going to continue with the same maintenance work for my knees as they definitely seem to be getting better. Not sure what I’m going to hit tomorrow for a WOD, possibly the mainsite WOD. We shall see how my legs are feeling in the morning. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

I was a bit sore this morning. My hamstrings are feeling it a bit from the good mornings and my lower back has just not recovered from last Thursday, and is still hurting this morning. I remember when I got into strength training I read Arnold’s “Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding” and he said if you really hit your lower back hard it can take up to a week to recover. That is certainly holding true after doing McGhee last week. Probably the wrong thing to do, but given how good my knees have been feeling I started doing sets of 10-15 air squats throughout the day, and put a squatting movement into my workout. Solid clean eating all day except for a spoonful of ice cream before bed, literally right before bed, not sure what that was about. Definitely feeling a little leaner and…

CrossFit In Vermont: Monday, April 19th, 2010

Feeling pretty good today. Still a bit sore, especially my lats, but the rest of my body feels pretty good. Great eating all day today. Not much else to say. Hit up a CrossFit Football WOD today. Felt it was a good one given the situation with my knees. My knees are feeling a ton better, going to continue resting them for another week or so and then slowly starting working some squats back in. On another note when I was making dinner last night I randomly decided to see how my hanstand push-ups were coming. So pumped, got 4 in a row, head to ground and back to full lockout, no kip. Psyched. WOD:CrossFit Football 4/16/2010 Amateur Strength:Power Clean: 185×3, 3, 3, 3, 3 Met-con:Use 60-70% of 3 rep power clean weightUsed 115lb5 rounds – rest 2 minutes between rounds 3 Clean…

CrossFit In Vermont: Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Same story as yesterday. Body is still cooked, and my energy levels are low. Not sure exactly what the deal is with my energy. Been eating quite well, probably just getting used to the low carbs again. Spent a lot of time working on writing the on-ramp program for the gym today. I’ll be hitting a WOD tomorrow. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Saturday, April 17, 2010

My body was just not feeling a workout today. I was a bit tired, but mainly my entire body was sore. My soreness from Thursday’s WOD is even worse, and my lats are absolutely destroyed from the max pull-up sets I did yesterday. Given the general pain with any movement in my body I felt it was reasonable to take the day off. Hopefully I’ll be good to go tomorrow. Cheers. – Jade