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CrossFit In Vermont: Friday, April 16th, 2010

Wow, in some serious pain today. The entire backside of my body is pretty toasted. Hams and glutes are a little sore, lower back and traps are destroyed. Chest is also in rough shape from all of the push-ups, and lats are a bit sore as well. It is a good feeling though. Clean eating all day yesterday and so far all good today. Went easy on the WOD today given how incapacitated I feel. Hopefully I’ll be feeling a little more mobile for a met-con on Saturday. WOD: Strength:Strict Pull-ups Max Reps: 13, 9, 8, 7, 7 Accessory:40 Yard Sled Pull Backwards 165lbs: 1, 1, 1, 140 Yard Sled Pull Forwards 165lbs: 1, 1, 1, 1 I haven’t done pull-ups in like 1.5 months so I was definitely hurting on the pull-up bar. I’m pretty happy with what I got considering how…

CrossFit In Vermont: Thursday, April 15th, 2010

Up pretty early again this morning. Abs are quite sore, back still feels funky, and honestly was a little unsure about doing the WOD I did given the weight that was being moved. Anyway hit the WOD right when I woke up, so no food, about a 12 hour fast. Got some extra glucose in my body yesterday from some sweet potato fries at dinner so I was feeling great in the energy department. Clean eating thus far today, and clean eating all day yesterday. WOD:“McGhee”30 minutes AMRAP:5 Deadlift 275lbs13 Push-ups9 Box Jumps 24″ 17 rounds WOD was absolutely destructive. As I mentioned I was a little worried about doing the heavy deads giving how my back was feeling. Did 5 warm up sets of deads building up to the workout weight, and when I did 275 for a couple reps I just…

CrossFit In Vermont: Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

Got up early today, for me at least. Was up at 6 AM, actually woke up 1 minute before my alarm clock went off. That happens to me quite a bit, really odd. Anyway got out in the woods to do some trail work. Mostly leaf blowing but moved some larger debris as well. Probably ended up hiking a couple of miles, maybe 3. Despite the workout yesterday not feeling that hard by abs are hurting quite a bit. My back feels a little funky to, I attribute this to all the sit-ups and no ab mat. Going to start mixing in the superman and hollow super set every few days. Did a group WOD today with 5 friends which was great. Good to work with a larger group. Nice to have a rest day, going to hit it hard tomorrow, probably going…

CrossFit In Vermont: Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Felt really refreshed and ready to go this morning. Not sore at all which is what I expected. Got a WOD in right when I woke up, so worked out after about a 12 hour fast. Clean eating thus far today. WOD: Warm-up:250 Single-unders Met-con:Finish 250 Unanchored Sit-ups AQAP: At the beginning of every minute do 5 Power Snatches at 75lbs 13:40 Accessory:200m Sled Walk Backwards 165lbs Training was solid today. Hit all 250 single-unders unbroken. So definitely progress over those from last week. Met-con was solid. Not overly difficult. Abs were hurting, but again it wasn’t too difficult, just kept a consistent pace. I think I should have done the power snatches a little heavier, definitely 85lb, maybe 95lb. I was able to do them all unbroken quite easily. Abs are definitely going to be sore tomorrow though. Did a single extended…

CrossFit In Vermont: Monday, April 12th, 2010

Definitely nice to have a rest day yesterday, feeling good this morning. Ate pretty well throughout the day but not great. Worked with some friends training today, and then with a couple members from the Bliss team. I was able to sneak in a little training in between those two sessions. Again my training is still limited because of my knees, can’t really do squats yet without aggravating them. WOD: Strength:Power Clean & Split Jerk 1RM: 195lbs Accessory:40 yard Sled Walk Backwards 165lbs: 1, 1, 1, 140 yard Sled Walk Forward 165lbs: 1, 1, 1, 1 Training was definitely solid today. PR on my jerk. I hit 185, 190 went up really easy, 195 went up, 200 failed. I was able to power clean the 200 fine, but couldn’t get it overhead. Tried twice and it was nowhere close. Still a 10lb PR….