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CrossFit Vermont: Thursday, April 1st, 2010

Woke up 5 minutes before my alarm this morning and I felt awesome. Felt ready to go right when I woke up, just such a great feeling. Not sure why, maybe a clean day of eating yesterday was responsible. Worked out this morning before eating. Going to be looking at another space next week. Finally have all my documents in place to start getting money from private investors. Hopefully the process goes smoothly and as quick as possible. WOD: Strength:Power Clean: 185×3, 190×3, 195×3 Met-con:3 rounds AQAP:400m Run21 Push Press 75lbs12 Ring Push-ups 8:27 Started off with the power cleans. First set was fine, 2nd set was not so good, and my 3rd rep I caught low and it cranked my wrist pretty good. Despite the weak pull on my 3rd rep I was confident in upping the weight another 5lbs for my…

CrossFit Vermont: Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

Was up late last night doing work so I didn’t get up in time this morning to make it to yoga. Back is pretty worked, and my lats are quite sore. Knees are feeling a little better today, not great, but definitely better. Ate all paleo today, feel much better after eating lots of crap yesterday. Work on getting a solid WOD in tomorrow. Probably going to do some strength work and some sort of bodyweight met-con. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

Thought I’d be more sore today from the heavy deads yesterday but I feel pretty good. Traps and lower back are a little sore. Ate poorly today. Need to get back at it tomorrow. Work is my kryptonite when it comes to food. Managed to sneak in a WOD before work, didn’t think I was going to have time. Looked at a space this morning on Gregory Drive in S. Burlington. Looks promising and is pretty much ready to go. Hoping I can work something out with the realtor/landlord. WOD: 5 rounds AQAP500m Row15 Sumo Deadlift High-pull 95lbs5 Strict Ring Pull-ups 15:53 Wow, WOD was absolute destruction on my back. Would have preferred to do higher reps on the pull-ups and done kipping pull-ups, but I just don’t have that option at the apartment. This workout was all posterior chain, and tons of…

CrossFit Vermont: Monday, March 29th, 2010

Feelings pretty good this morning. My knees are really hurting. Had a good bit of cheat food today. A slice of bread and some coffee ice cream. Feel okay, didn’t make me feel sick, but made me feel tired. Because of the knee pain I passed up doing “Cindy” as 300+ squats is probably not what they need. Went to a traditional CrossFit HQ strength workout today which went pretty well. Hopefully hit Cindy tomorrow. WOD: Deadlift Singles: 315, 365, 385, 365, 365, 365, 365 Pretty happy with my performance on the deads. I was hoping my max would have been a little higher, but I guess not. I am happy though that I was able to pull 365 four times after maxing out. I was definitely pumped with that. Lower back feels pretty torched, in all honesty it was still hurting a…