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CrossFit Vermont: Saturday, March 27th, 2010

Feeling good this morning. Quads are a little sore, and my shoulders feel tired, both obviously form the overhead squats yesterday. Ate clean all day again today, feel great. Healthy, strong, lean. Worked on the plyo boxes all day today, and ended up not working out. 8 hours of being bent over drilling, cutting, etc. took its tole on my back. I was beat and just wasn’t in a position to get a workout. Rest day tomorrow, I’ll hit it again Monday. Cheers. Start to another day of cutting. Good sunshine today. Boxes are starting to come together. 18″, 24″ and 6″ stackers on the left side. 6 18″ and 6 24″ boxes. Need a little sanding, urethane, and rubber on top and they are good to go. – Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Friday, March 26th, 2010

Feeling good this morning. Eating has continued to be good. Feel great, had a cheat today, had some cheddar cheese in an omlette this evening for dinner. Traps are a bit sore today, chest and hamstrings still have a little bit of soreness in them. Didn’t get a chance to get to the gym so I couldn’t do my planned WOD. I was going to do “Cindy,” I’ll hit it tomorrow instead. Overall feel great, I’m visibly leaner after 4 days back on the diet, going to keep hammering it hard to get slimmed down and strong. In fact I’m as lean as I’ve ever been but a couple of pounds heavier than I was a couple of weeks ago so I think I may be packing some muscle on which would be great. WOD: “Nancy”5 rounds AQAP:400m Run75lb Overhead Squat 15 reps…

CrossFit Vermont: Thursday, March 25th, 2010

Feeling better again this morning. Got up early for me, and felt great. Had a solid breakfast, and ate well throughout the day. All paleo again today so I’m 3 solid days back on the paleo wagon. Still sore this morning, most of the soreness in my traps and lower back are gone, but my hamstrings, adductors, lats and chest are all quite sore still. I couldn’t do the WOD I wanted to today as I didn’t have anyone to help with timing. I was going to do a WOD with the same formatting as “The Chief” just with some different exercises, but I didn’t have anyone to do the timing so I did something different. WOD: Skill:Single and Double-under Practice: 5 minutes Strength:Hang Power Clean: 145×5, 145×5, 150×5 Met-con:5 rounds AQAP:10 Push Jerk 95lb15 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull 95lb20 Air Squats 9:31 I…

CrossFit Vermont: Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Well, 24 hours eating clean and I already feel so much better. Sure is amazing how different your body feels depending on the fuel you put in it. I’m wicked sore from my workout yesterday. Given how relatively easy the deadlifts were yesterday I didn’t think they would make me that sore. I was wrong, my hamstrings are wicked sore, and lower back and traps are a bit sore as well. Push-ups, as I suspected, crushed my chest. Chest is good and sore, my lats and obliques are also sore from being a support system while doing push-ups. Feel so much better though today, so happy to be eating well again. Looking forward to a solid workout tomorrow. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

Feeling pretty crappy again this morning. I’ve got some serious food detox to undergo the next few days. Shoulders felt a little tired this morning, but other then that I felt good in regards to soreness. Worked out this morning on an empty stomach, hadn’t eaten in about 14 hours so that should help with flushing my body out. Pulled a WOD off the main-site from a couple weeks ago given I had limited options given the wonderful weather outside. WOD: 10 rounds AQAP15 Deadlift 135lb15 Push-ups 13:47 Looking at the comments on the main-site, and seeing peoples time I was thinking I wanted to be in the 12-14 minute range. I did hit that time range which I was happy about. I know my push-ups are weak so I knew that would be my limiting factor. Started off good and fast, had…