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CrossFit Vermont: Monday, March 22nd, 2010

Wow, I felt awful today. Long weekend of poor eating and late nights and I feel horrible. My body is currently hating me for eating too much cake and pizza. Need to get back to it as I hate this feeling. Felt good to get a workout in today, and a hard one it was. WOD: Strength:HSUP (Plate x Reps): 2×4, 3×5, 5, 5, 5 Intervals:500m row/4 minute rest: 1:28.9, 1:38.1, 1:43.0 I used 10lb Rogue Hi-temp plates as my spacers for the HSPU’s. Thought I’d be able to get by on 2 plates but it just wasn’t happening, the strength wasn’t there. Did the HSPU’s strict, no kip, and my shoulders felt worked after the 5 sets. Rowing was one of the more miserable things I’ve done in a while. I’m pumped as I hit a 5 second PR on my 500m…

CrossFit Vermont: Saturday, March 20th, 2010

Long night last night, no training today, but I was on my feet all day. Met up with my buddy Andrew to start building plyo boxes for the gym. My buddy Kevin came over to help for a few hours. It was definitely a long tedious day. I’d say we got about 40% of the work done. Cheers. Pre saw dust storm. The cutting begins More cutting, a few partially finished boxes in the garage – Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Friday, March 19th, 2010

It’s my birthday today, so I figured I’d get myself a PR on something as a present. Feeling fine, no new soreness, but still some existing soreness in my legs from Tuesday’s workout. Another beautiful day today which was great, enabled me to workout outside. Kicking the nutrition to the curb for the weekend, so not even going to stress about that. Going to pick it back up Monday. WOD: Met-con:3 rounds AQAP:5 Muscle-up Progressions (muscle-up starting on knees with arms at full extension)10 Power Snatch 95lb20 Wall Ball 8lb/10ft 8:01 Strength:Snatch Singles: 95, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155 Workout was solid. Met-con felt good, was happy with my technique and pace. Would have been nice to have a heavier med ball, but the ones I bought are for less conditioned people. Was thinking of originally upping the reps on the wall ball…

CrossFit Vermont: Thursday, March 18th, 2010

Still good and sore this morning. Hips flexors are still in some pain as are my quads. Eating has been pretty solid, a couple of little cheats, but sticking to the plan quite well. Will probably be off it this weekend as it’s my birthday and I’ll probably be going out to do stuff. Was really dreading my WOD today, just remembered how awful it was last time and just was not looking forward to doing it, especially given how sore I was. Gonna crank out another solid one tomorrow. WOD: AQAP (as quick as possible) Row 5k 18:17.8500m Average 1:49.8 So pretty pumped on my workout. My goal was to hit 18:20 which would be a PR, my last 5k row, which was my first, I rowed 18:36. This was absolutely devastating especially given how sore I was. I did 1k to…