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CrossFit Vermont: Saturday, March 6th, 2010

Feeling pretty good this morning. My glutes are still pretty sore, shoulders feel worked, lats actually feel better than they did last night. Again my knees are feeling a little bit better today. Took a trip over to Dick’s to pick up some lacrosse ball to help with some self massage. Ate clean paleo again today, feeling really good. Working on trying to up my protein intake to help me put some muscle/strength on. Trying to do meat 3 times a day, and a couple scoops of protein powder. That’s leaving me between 150-200g per day with the other bits of protein I get from nuts, veggies, and fruit. So 3 solid days back on the paleo feel great, a little tired though naturally which is expected. Looking forward to crushing a hard workout tomorrow. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Friday, March 5th, 2010

Incredibly sore this morning still. Glutes and the surrounding areas are super sore. Aside from the soreness I felt great this morning. Got a solid nights sleep, and feel healthy. Have eaten strict paleo thus far today. Knees are feeling a little better today as well, despite the squatting I did yesterday when I was training my Dad and his friend. Was good to get a little coaching in yesterday, and next week I’m starting an on-ramp for a few friends so that should be good. Good solid training today, we just got a back extension stand at school so that was nice, wish they had just gotten a GHD though. WOD: Military Press(Push Press): 120×5, 120×5, 115×5, 115×5, 115×4(1) Weighted Pull-up: 30×5, 5, 5, 5, 5 Hip Extension: 10, 10, 10Toes-to-bar: 10, 10 10 Pretty happy with my training today. Nice to…

CrossFit Vermont: Thursday, March 4th, 2010

Wow, so sore again this morning. My glutes are absolutely destroyed, I can barely walk. Hamstrings are sore, lower back, and traps are all sore as well. My knees are beginning to feel better. I think my problem was tight calves, I’ve never really stretched my calves and I have begun attacking them with stretching, self massage, and PVC rolling. Ate perfect paleo all day today, feel so much better just in a day, but I’m dragging a bit as I think my body is back to using glucose for energy right now and not fat. Going to hit the back and shoulders tomorrow, same as last Friday, try and pack 5lbs onto my lifts. Hopefully I can walk tomorrow. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

Still damn sore this morning. Lats and core aren’t too bad anymore, but my chest is still wrecked. Ate very poorly at work yesterday. I really can’t wait until I am able to stop working at the restaurant so I’m not around that food all the time. Did some strength work, and actually did stuff with the legs. Focused on posterior chain so I think my knees should be okay given the exercises. WOD: Deadlift: 315×3, 315×3, 325×3, 335×3, 345×3 Alternating DB Lunges: 40×8, 8, 8 Overall felt pretty good with the training. My first set of deads felt really weak, but I think it was just my body not quite being ready to lift heavy weight. The other 4 sets felt strong. Good to see I haven’t lost too much strength given my limited lower body training. I think I could definitely…

CrossFit Vermont: Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

Wow. I’m so sore this morning. My chest is completely destroyed. My lats and core are actually a bit sore to. I’m thinking the core from the extra explosive swings I was doing yesterday, and the lats from helping stabilize during the push-ups when my chest was starting to fail. No training today, had a bunch going on and given the state of soreness I’m in I figured I’d lay off the weights given the limited exercises I can do. Going to do some strength work tomorrow morning. Cheers. – Jade