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CrossFit Vermont: Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

Still a little sore this morning from Monday in my chest and glutes. Ring dips hit me pretty good and the lunges as always hammered my glutes. Almost thought I wasn’t going to get a workout in today again, but I had a meeting cancelled so I was able to do something in my garage. Going through a foam rolling and stretching routine morning and night, hopefully this helps with my knee pain, really hoping the pain has been caused by tightness somewhere. I noticed my hips have gotten quite tight so maybe that’s the problem. WOD: Met-con:10 rounds for time2 HSPU (2 45lb Iron Plate depth roughly 2″)4 Strict Ring Pull-ups16 Sit-ups 12:22 Strength:DB Stiff Leg Deadlift: 60×12, 12, 12 Solid training. Met-con wasn’t overly hard cardiovascularly but it worked my muscles pretty well. Abs were hurting really bad, and by the…

CrossFit Vermont: Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Didn’t train today. Didn’t get a chance to get into the gym, not time today. So going to give my knees a break from squatting and explosive work for a couple of weeks. Advice from a PT I’m friends with was to stretch, stretch, stretch, and work on building ham and glute strength. I’m going to work that into my training for the next couple of weeks and see if it helps. Going to get a solid workout in tomorrow morning. Cheers. – Jade.

CrossFit Vermont: Monday, February 22nd, 2010

Feeling great this morning. Had another damn slip up at work with the food. This one should really help me stay off the non-paleo food as I got sick off the stuff. Couldn’t do the workout I originally programmed, but got a solid workout in regardless. WOD: Strength:Speed Deadlift: 225×3, 3, 3, 3, 3 Met-con:3 rounds for time:100ft 25lb Overhead Walking Lunges500m Row10 Ring Dips400m Run 19:20 Solid workout. Speed deadlifts are similar to the speed squats I did a couple of weeks ago. Designed to help develop power. Goal is to rip the bar off the floor as fast as possible. Felt good and strong on those. Met-con was tough. I had to pull over and puke twice. The food I had at work was not digesting to well, and this was 2.5 hours after eating. I’m feeling pretty shitty right now,…

CrossFit Vermont: Sunday, February 21st, 2010

Rest day today. Chest is a bit sore, other than that feeling pretty good. Picked up another rower today…for free. It’s old school, a Model A. Went to buy it and the computer wasn’t working so the guy just gave it to me. Got the computer fixed and all seems good to go for the time being. Fixed the computer with a paper clip, so I imagine at some point it’s going to need to be fixed properly or replaced. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Still incredibly sore in my calf area this morning. I’ve actually had a bit of soreness creep into my lats as well. Felt overly tired today and did a bunch of extra sleeping as today is pretty much just a homework day for me. Couldn’t do my programmed WOD because of the state my hands were in. Should hopefully be able to do it on Monday. Because of my torn up hands I was a bit limited on what I could do, so no high intensity stuff, just some basic strength work. WOD:Back Squat: 135×5, 185×5, 5, 5, 5 HSPU: 2 Steel 45lb Plate Depth x 5, 5, 5 GHD Hip Extension: 12, 10, 10 Bench Press: 135×5, 195×3, 185×4 Did the squats today to see what happens with my knees. I went with lighter weight and really focused on form, and the…