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CrossFit Vermont: Friday, February 19th, 2010

So sore this morning. Surprisingly my entire upper body feels fine, but my calves and all the surrounding tendons are screaming in pain from the running. Worked on doing POSE running, and this is the first time running in my Nike Free shoes. I may have been a little heavy on the ball of my foot, but regardless I’m sore. Shows the big weakness there though. It does suck though as it is currently pretty painful to walk. Otherwise feel great this morning. Knees are now currently hurting pretty badly. This whole knee thing has been pretty discouraging, and it is putting a damper on my training both physically and mentally. If it continues into next week I’m taking time off from all lower body training. WOD: Met-con:“Grace” For Time30 Clean + Jerk 135lb 8:23 Strength:Strict Pull-up: 10Calf Raises: 115×25, 25, 25 So…

CrossFit Vermont: Thursday, February 18th, 2010

First day back in the gym today and boy was it a rough one. Felt good and strong overall, and feeling good despite some poor eating at work over the last few days. WOD: “Eva”5 rounds for time:800m Run30 Kettlebell Swings 70lb30 Pull-ups Finished 4 rounds34:52 So my workout felt pretty good today. I paced myself accordingly as I knew this was going to be a long workout and I really felt quite good. Running was done on a treadmill. First 3 rounds I kept the 800m under 4 minutes which I felt was a decent pace. Swings and pull-ups were broken through every round. That 70lbs felt quite heavy by the end. 4th round I started cramping pretty bad on the treadmill, so I had to slow it way down, cramps went away as the 800 ended so I continued on to…

CrossFit Vermont: Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Still good and sore this morning. Soreness is starting to leave my legs, mainly my quads, but my back and arms are still hurting quite a bit. I’m going to take another rest day tomorrow, and then it’s back to it. I’ve got a death march of a workout coming on Thursday. Should be long and brutal for sure. Definitely will be the longest met-con that I’ve ever done. Eva.

CrossFit Vermont: Monday, February 15th, 2010

My body was in some ridiculous pain this morning. I’m still super sore. Not a single part of my body feels good. Obviously didn’t workout today, but honestly I was really itching to do a workout. I did up my programming for the next 10 days or so of training. Looking forward to some tough workouts. Doing a few of the girl workouts which I’ve never done. Cheers. – Jade