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CrossFit Vermont: Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Pain, pain, pain. God my body is hurting. Not that there was an enormous amount of “training” yesterday, but all the work on the movements over and over really put a hurting on me. Another great day of the cert. today. A lot of what was said was nothing new, I’ve watched a ton of videos on the journal, and many of them were identical to what was said in the cert. Again I was thoroughly impressed with Jon’s coaching when we worked on the snatch. We also got the chance to work on the kipping pull-up and muscle-up. I got 2 consecutive muscle-ups, from a dead hang, no touching the ground or resetting my hands. I think the first one was pretty damn nice, the second was not so as my hand positioning had changed dramatically. As I’m writing this right now…

CrossFit Vermont: Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Quads still destroyed this morning, which meant I would be hurting at the Level 1 Cert. today, and indeed I was. Certificaiton thus far has been great. All the coaches have been very informative and helpful. It’s nice getting a little feedback as I’m completely self-trained. Although I’m doing most everything right there are little things I need to adjust and it was helpful to know that. Jon from was incredibly helpful, and I feel by far the best coach at the cert. Both in his lecture and group training he was precise, knowledgeable, and overall extremely helpful. I can only strive to be as good as him. It was also good to make contact with Jon as he is a supplier for many of the CrossFit affiliates. I’m completely drained right now, going to bed in a few minutes. Another long…

CrossFit Vermont: Friday, February 12th, 2010

Pretty sore this morning. Quads are really feeling it from the thrusters yesterday, and my hamstrings are still a bit sore. Went to Bikram this morning in hopes it would losen me up a bit. Tough class, but I could definitely see improvements over the last couple of times that I have gone. It’s nice to sweat that much in the cold winter. I just hope I didn’t push hard enough that I’m sore tomorrow morning from the yoga. Made it to Montreal fine this evening. Despite not having a passport or EDL the border patrol were very easy to deal with. Showed them my temporary license and my birth certificate and they were all set. It will probably be a bigger problem getting back into the states. Level 1 certficaiton starts tomorrow morning. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Thursday, February 11th, 2010

Well still good and sore this morning. My quads are still really hurting, lower back feels fine, and surprisingly my hamstrings aren’t too bad. They are a bit sore but not nearly as bad as I expected. All paleo yesterday, and strict paleo today, I’m about to go out so I may have a beer or two, try and stick to red wine though. Feeling solid and healthy overall, and I had a great workout today. WOD: Strength:Hang Power Snatch: 95×3, 105×3, 115×3, 115×3, 120×3, 125×3 Met-con:5 rounds for timeThruster 115×7Med Ball Slam 12×14 7:23 Pretty pumped with the snatches. Now I know where to start next time around, was a little light to start but found my way to a good working weight. Was using very little dip, just a few inches, and then exploding up with the bar, no press outs,…

CrossFit Vermont: Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Wow, so sore this morning. I forgot to mention the last couple of days, but my abs are still a little sore from Sunday. My quads are currently destroyed, and my lower back and hams are pretty worked. Surprised my traps aren’t more sore given all the deadlifts yesterday along with the rowing. Body definitely was feeling a bit run down when I woke up, and I could have used a little more sleep, but I got up and worked out shortly after waking on an empty stomach. Had been about 12 hrs since I ate, but I felt good and strong, despite feeling a little tired. It’s still early in the day, so far paleo thus far. WOD: Rings Dip : 5, 5, 5, 6, 6 Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlift: 135×8,8,8,8,8 Barbell Row: 185×5,5,5,5,5 Pretty solid training today. Ring Dips felt pretty…