Category: Uncategorized

Dragon Boat

Hi Everyone! In two weeks a team from Champlain Valley CrossFit is competing in the Dragon Boat races downtown on the waterfront! Last year we entered a team and ended up winning! It was the first time a first year entrant won the race! This is great, but the main reason for the races are to raise awareness and money for cancer surviors in our community. To help out our team, we are going to be doing a WOD on Sunday, July 29th, at 11 AM at the gym. This WOD will be donation only and all proceeds will go towards the Dragon Boat Team fundraising. Come on out and sweat a little for a great cause! Of course you call can come down to the waterfront the following Sunday, August 5th and cheer us on while we defend out title! Hope to…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

WOD: 1) Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5 These 5 sets should be absolutely AS HEAVY AS POSSIBLE. Start with nothing short of a 5RM and take the weights down as fatigue sets in. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.2) AQAP:1000m Row800m Run60 Ball Slams 40/3040 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 For results post 5 sets of Bench Press along with total time to complete Met-con and any scaling used.Post results/thoughts to comments A bit on the dry side, but many of you NEED to watch this. While we teach rowing in On-ramp a lot of it has seemed to go out the window with many of you. Proper rowing technique isn’t only the right thing to do, it’s the efficient thing to do. Many of you could shave 10-20 seconds of your 1000m row time with just a little bit of correction. WATCH IT.

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, July 23rd, 2012

WOD: 1): Hatch Cycle Week 1 – Day 1:Warm-up accordingly and then get right into your sets. Rest no more than 90 seconds between sets.2) “Isabel” – AQAP:30 Snatch 135/95 These Snatches can be anyway anyhow, Power, Split, Squat, Muscle.Competitors: 3) 5 rounds:Max Toes-to-barRest 90 seconds For results, post weights of all squat sets, time for Met-con along with any scaling used, and total reps for each set of Toes-to-bar.Post results/thoughts to comments Awesome job today everybody, I don’t know about you but my legs are feeling it. Really looking forward to getting them bigger and stronger. As mentioned we’d love to see everybody start posting to the comments. Way to hammer “Isabel,” PR’s for many of you and first times for many others. Cheers. Sophie with nice squat positioning Greg getting the bar overhead The “Isabel Off” from last years USAW Open,…

Competition Programming

Tomorrow starts the beginning of the Hatch Squat Cycle, as well as programming that will be a little more in depth for those of you that are serious about competing. I really hope that we can do this as many of you have asked for it, but if it doesn’t go smoothly we will be pulling the plug. A few things for those of you that plan on following this, see below. 1) I will start posting the workouts the night before. For those that travel or want to follow from elsewhere you will be able to do so, in addition it allows you all to be prepared accordingly. 2) For this to work, those who choose to do the extra work programmed are going to have to be very aware of the other classes that are going on and can’t be an…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, July 21st, 2012

WOD: 4 rounds AQAP:10 Power Cleans 185/12315 Handstand Push-ups20 Toes-to-bar400m Run For results post time to complete workout along with any scaling used.Post results/thoughts to comments Nice job on the workout today guys, and it was great to see those who scaled still go heavy on the cleans. Always keep in mind when you scale you should still be scaling to something difficult, the goal is not to scale so the workout is easy. If you scale so things are easy you’re never going to get stronger. If you’re consistently the first one done, you need to up your weights. Squat program starts Monday, check your e-mail for the details. See you then. Cheers. Kim scaling from the HSPU to the Stink Bug Terri coming under about to receive the bar – Jade