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CrossFit In Vermont: Sunday, January 10th, 2010

Well finally not sore this morning. Sure is a nice feeling, haha. Paleo has still been going well, a little cheat today with a few beers while watching the football games but other than that I’ve been good for 8 days no except for the 6 beers I’ve had over that time. Realling looking forward to hammering it in the gym tomorrow. Haven’t even looked at what I programmed for myself but I’m going to kill it either way. Good publicity for the CrossFit community, on the website and in print today, check it here. – Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Saturday, January 9th, 2010

Still quite sore this morning. Traps and lower back are quite worked. Other than that I’m feeling pretty good. I took the concept of the rest day to the fullest advantage. I sat on the couch pretty much all day reading, working on business stuff, and wathcing the tube. Really felt an itching to get in the gym though. Football games were a bit of a bummer, would have been nice to see something a little closer. I try and put up articles and such on my rest days, so here is one more reason to workout. – Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Friday, January 8th, 2010

So sore this morning. My calves are still destroyed from Wednesday, and the bottom of my feet are actually pretty sore as well. My lats are more worked today, I would imagine from the muscle-up progressions, my quads are a bit sore, and my traps are absolutely destroyed from the deads yesterday. Overall my body is beat. I ate really well yesterday, I did have one beer while watching the football game, but other than that I was clean. I definitely think my body is beaten up a little at this point. I slept in a little late this morning, and woke up just feeling sore and beat. Wasn’t feeling to motivated to go to the gym but I still did and I’m super happy that I did. WOD: Olympic Work:Snatch: 95×3, 105×3, 115×3, 125×3, 135×3 Power Work:Super set ofPlyo Push-ups: 10, 10,…

CrossFit In Vermont: Thursday, January 7th, 2010

Wow, definitely sore again today. My calves are super worked from the little bit of calf raises I did. That’s definitely good and hopefully doing those will continue to help with my running induced tendonitis. Lats are cooked, as well as my entire shoulder/trap area. I will say it was a solid workout yesterday based on the overall soreness. Clean eating again yesterday, feeling great, was up early, at least for me based on how late I went to bed last night. The last few weeks all I’ve wanted to do is sleep in, then boom, change the diet around and I’m waking up early without even having to set an alarm, feels so good. Energy levels are still a little low, hopefully another 3-4 days and I’ll be feeling good. Because of my school gym schedule I’m going to be doing a…

CrossFit In Vermont: Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

Still feeling a bit sore this morning. Chest and abs still have a little soreness in them, and my traps are still pretty sore. My traps have really gotten hammered from all the rowing lately, which is good of course as it seems to be a weak spot. Nutrition has been great, on Paleo now since Saturday evening, at least my Paleo which is Paleo plus ketchup, whey, and caesar salad dressing. Pretty clean I think for the most part. My energy levels felt a bit better this morning, and I’m also sleeping better, waking up earlier. I honestly can’t believe how 4 days of eating like this has changed my body around so much. I feel so much healthier, and visibly leaner (probably water), and just straight up feel better. Makes me not want to go back, I’d really like to see…