Category: Uncategorized

CrossFit In Vermont: Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Ah, still so sore this morning, maybe even more sore than yesterday morning. Sticking to the Paleo well, it’s been almost 3 days now. Feeling pretty run down but I know it will turn around in a couple more days. Because of the soreness and lack of energy I was dreading training a bit, but I still got in the garage and had a solid workout. WOD: Strength:Snatch Grip High Pull: 135×3, 135×3, 140×3, 145×3, 145×3 Met-con:4 rounds for time500m Row15 Burpees 12:25 Training was definitely solid. The Snatch Grip High Pulls were definitely more difficult than I was expecting but I felt good on them, and was getting the bar right up to my chin. I always forget how deep of a position the snatch is at the start, could really feel it in my hip flexors at the bottom. After watching…

CrossFit In Vermont: Monday, January 4th, 2010

Oh my I’m sore today. Chest, traps, abs, and lats are completely destroyed. Legs feel tired as well. That was definitely a killer workout yesterday. Got home from work today and really just didn’t have the gas in the tank to workout. I took a nap hoping that would help, but no dice. Between the hard training and getting back on the paleo wagon my body is just run down. My body is definitely craving carbs/sugar, but I’m going to stay strong and go through this whole process again. Need to stick to it for good this time around. Imagine I’ll have a few more days of this like last time and then the energy levels will start picking up. Because of the crazy soreness and complete lack of energy I decided to skip training today, and get back at it tomorrow. Hoping…

CrossFit In Vermont: Sunday, January 3rd, 2010

Been back on Paleo for about 24 hours now. Hopefully it isn’t to brutal getting back on it, but I’m sure my body has to go through the whole process of converting to using fat for energy again. Feeling pretty worked from yesterday actually. My chest and core are pretty sore, and my traps are quite sore. So happily surprised with that, to me sore is good. Since my traps were already sore I knew they were going to get worked today as I was spending a good amount of time on the rower. WOD: For time:500m Row75 Push-ups75 Sit-ups1000m Row50 Push-ups50 Sit-ups1500m Row25 Push-ups25 Sit-ups 22:50 So this was a pretty brutal workout, so much pulling. Afterward I hopped on the pull-up bar to show my buddy what a muscle-up was and it just wasn’t there, my back was gassed. I was…

CrossFit In Vermont: Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

So still feeling a little groggy from yesterday but ready to hit it hard in the garage. Shoulders are still a bit sore but otherwise I feel good. Food intake is overall bad again today as there was still some pizza left over in the house from yesterday. Can’t let it go to waste as all my roommates left. Solely a strength day today. WOD: Full Cleans: 135×3, 155×3, 170×3, 185×3, 190×3 Barbell Rows Strict(Non-strict): 155×8, 165×8, 170×8, 170×6(4), 170×5(5) Ring Dips: 8, 6, 5 Floor Wipers: 135×10, 135×10, 135×10 Training was really solid today. Super happy with my full cleans. Did the first couple sets light and then got into some pretty heavy ones, for me at least. Pumped with my last two sets, almost dumped the weight on a couple of reps, landing a little to far forward but was able…

CrossFit In Vermont: Friday, January 1st, 2010

Wow, it’s 2010. Good thing it’s a rest day because I’m worked from last night. Really looking forward to the coming year. Continue getting myself into peak physical condition and have a gym open by June. I’ve got a lot of people interested in CrossFit, and I believe when CrossFit Vermont opens it will be a huge success. Training has been good the last month but my nutrition has gone to hell. I’ve visibly gained some weight around my midsection, can’t be much, but there is just enough there that I can tell the difference. I’m up about 3 pounds, a couple of those probably being water from all the carb intake. Now that the holidays are over I am completely confident that I will be able to get back at it like I did this fall. On another note my shoulders and…