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CrossFit In Vermont: Thursday, December 31st, 2009

Wow my shoulders feel worked this morning. I think between the overhead squats and turkish get-ups my shoulders got fried. Feeling a bit run down this morning, but I definitely think it is because of staying up late with friends and such. Was kind of dreading training just because of feeling so beat but I got myself in the garage and had a solid workout. WOD: Strength: Power Cleans: 135×5, 155×5, 160×5, 165×5, 170×5 Met-con: For Time 500m Row15 45lb Overhead Squats30 95lb Hang Power Cleans15 45lb Overhead Squats500m Row 6:15 Workout was awesome. Took a little bit to get going in the cold ass garage, but once I did I felt good. Power cleans felt really good, should have done a couple sets heavier, and I think I’ve got another 5-10lbs in my 5 rep max doing these. Met-con was brutal. I…

CrossFit In Vermont: Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

Feeling good this morning. No soreness really anywhere. I will say I’m really looking forward to my school break being done. I’ve been staying up late too much, not eating very well as I’m out a lot with friends, and generally just don’t feel that great. Looking forward to getting into a nice healthy, busy schedule. WOD: Tri Set:Weighted Pull Up: 30×5, 30×5, 30×5, 30×5, 30×5DB Stiff Leg Deadlift: 30×10, 30×10, 30×10, 30×10, 30×10Overhead Squat: 75×8, 85×8, 85×8, 95×8, 95×8 Superset:DB Turkish Get-up: 55×3, 55×3, 55×5Toes To Bar: 10, 8, 8 Solid workout. I made sure to go light on the stiff legs as I haven’t done them in a long time and want to be able to walk the rest of the week. Solid Tri-set, and my pull-up was a little stronger across the board compared to last week. Overhead squats felt…

CrossFit In Vermont: Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

Feeling pretty good this morning. A little tired but not sore and ready to workout. Worked out right when I got up after not eating in about 12 hours. WOD: 5 rounds for time:Barbell Back Squat 205×5Ring Dips x 5250m Row 11:03 Workout was solid. Definitely tough, the rower really killed me. Last round of rowing I hammered it out at a 1:36 500 time which I think is pretty good. Squats felt good, ring dips were tough. I think I should have upped the reps a bit on each exercise as I did every set unbroken. I think 7 and 7 would have been good for each exercise. The workout definitely killed me though, and I was a little shaky in the legs afterward. Was planning on doing some yoga balance work afterward but my legs were just not in a position…

CrossFit In Vermont: Sunday, December 27th, 2009

Went on a bender last night, hurting this morning, but I got up and went straight to the garage to sweat the hangover out and put myself through some pain. Lower back is still pretty sore this morning, and my quads/glutes are feeling a bit worked. Nothing to painful though, my head hurts more then anything. WOD: “Fight Gone Bad”3 Rounds, 1 Minute At Each Station, 1 Minute Rest After 1 Full Round 40lb DB Overhead Anyway Possible135lb DeadliftBurpees35lb Kettlebell SwingAir Squat Round 1: 116 repsRound 2: 110 repsRound 3: 117 repsTotal: 343 reps This was a brutal workout, and the fact that I was hung-over made it that much worse. Never done this before, as you can see I didn’t to the prescribed “FGB” workout but made up one of my own around what I had available. As I write this I…