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CrossFit In Vermont: Saturday, December 26th, 2009

Pretty sore this morning after training yesterday. My glutes are quite torn up, lower back is worked from the heavy deads, and my chest and obliques are sore from the respective presses. Feel good though, got a solid nights sleep and felt good about my training, although a bit scared of what I had coming. WOD: AMRAP 20 MinutesHigh Pull 135×3Front Squat 135×6Deadlift 135×9 11 Rounds This was a tough workout no doubt. Was really quite scared of it. To start, every set of every exercise was done unbroken so that was good. I can say that I definitely started off too easy. I should have pushed myself harder. I was just worried about burning myself out early on in the workout. While I was certainly pretty worked after the workout, I wasn’t as worked as I should have been. I definitely think…

CrossFit In Vermont: Friday, December 25th, 2009

Merry Christmas again. My family is European so Christmas is always celebrated on the eve, so that’s what I consider Christmas but I know that’s not the case for many people. Just got a solid training session in. Feeling strong and pumped with the workout. Another solely strength day today. WOD: DB Lunge: 50×5, 50×5, 50×5, 60×5, 60×5DB Piston Unilateral Guard Press: 50×5, 50×5, 50×5, 60×5, 60×6 Deadlift: 225×3, 315×3, 335×3, 345×3, 365×3DB Side Press: 40×3, 50×3, 50×3, 50×3, 50×3 Solid, solid workout. Solid supersets, resting roughly 90 seconds between sets. Rested a little longer between my last couple with the heavy deads. So pumped to rip out 365×3 on my last set. I felt pretty worked but was able to tear the bar of the ground and get to a nice full lockout. Back was definitely badly rounded on the last rep…

CrossFit In Vermont: Thursday, December 24th, 2009

Merry Christmas all that aren’t reading this blog. Had to work most of the day so no time to get in the gym. Glutes were incredibly sore all day along with my back and shoulders. I think the best thing I got was the CrossFit Vermont T-Shirt I made. It was shipped almost two weeks ago but got lost in the mail and finally showed up yesterday. Need to find a way to duplicate them now in a cheaper fashion. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

Feel pretty good this morning, a little sluggish which just comes from my general laziness over the last few days. I’m going to keep the lazy lifestyle up for the rest of the week and then get back to being busy come next week. Not really sore at all this morning, quads have a very minimal bit of soreness in them, but other then that I feel good. Knees are all good to. Today’s training was solely strength work. WOD: Barbell Back Squat: 225×5, 225×5, 225×5, 235×5, 245×5 Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift: 40×5, 40×5, 50×5, 50×5, 60×5 Handstand Push-up: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 Weighted Pull-up: 25×5, 30×5, 30×5, 25×5, 25×5 Training was solid today. My first couple sets of squats felt weak but then I really got into them I bumped up the weight and surprisingly felt really good. I barely made…

CrossFit In Vermont: Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

So still quite sore this morning. My hamstrings are still tight and sore and I’ve got some pretty solid shin splints that have made themselves present. Feeling a bit tired this morning, but I think part of that comes from my general state over the last few days. Aside from my training I’ve been doing nothing, I’m on break, so not putting much effort into things other then my training. My programming seems to be going well so far, getting my butt kicked, variety seems good, and I think the large increase in strength work should make a big difference in all facets of my training. Knees both feel great, thankfully that pain seems to be gone, and hopefully isn’t something serious that will be coming back. WOD: Strength: Dumbbell Push Jerk: 40×5, 55×5, 60×5, 65×5 One Arm DB Power Snatch: 55×3, 65×3,…