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CrossFit In Vermont: Sunday, December 20th, 2009

At this point given the holidays and such I’ve decided I’m not going to keep track of my nutrition. I’m going to work on eating healthy, but I’m often going out with people, attending dinner parties, etc and it’s just to hard to keep track of everything. On another note I think I had more success with the Paleo diet when I wasn’t measuring all my food so I may just go back to an un-measured paleo diet. Hamstrings were still increidbly sore this morning. Chest was also pretty sore from the dips yesterday. Knees feel all good so I was pumped to get another solid day of training in today. WOD: High Pulls: 135×3, 145×3, 155×3, 165×3, 185×3 Snatch Grip Deadlift: 225×3, 235×3, 245×3 Met-con:3 rounds for time:20/40/60 Foot Suicides x 46 Foot Broad Jumps x 1020 Medicine Ball Slams 10:17 High Pulls…

CrossFit In Vermont: Saturday, December 19th, 2009

Didn’t keep track of my eating yesterday, and I ate a lot of poor food, and drank a good bit of beer. School ended yesterday for the semester so it was definitely a party day, which brings poor eating along with it. Woke up this morning pretty hung over from last night. Haven’t had one of these in a while, which is certainly a good thing, means I haven’t been drinking much at all. My hamstrings are ridiculously sore, I would imagine they are worked from all of the swings. Biceps are pretty worked as well which I think is from all the power cleans that were in the workout. Thankfully my knee was feeling good this morning. It is still bruised and tender a bit, but it isn’t bothering me with my training or general movement at this point. Because of this I…

CrossFit In Vermont: Friday, December 18th, 2009

Another awesome day of eating until right at the end of the day. Even managed to stay clean at work today which was a big deal. Got home from work and my roommates girlfriend had brought over a huge tub of cookies. Again it was right in front of me and I couldn’t hold back. In fact I ate so much that I started to feel a bit sick. Way, way, way too much sugar. Other non-paleo food for the day was caesar dressing. 12/17/09 IntakeCalories 3676Fat 197 grams 48%Carbs 309 grams 34%Protein 167 grams 18%Fiber 31 gramsCholesterol 1812mg Woke up with a legitimate food hangover this morning. Really was not feeling so good. I was sluggish, tired, not motivated. Just not a good feeling, especially when I know it was caused by food, or sugar for that matter. Knee felt pretty good…

CrossFit In Vermont: Thursday, December 17th, 2009

Intake yesterday was OK. I got invited to a dinner party last minute which I wasn’t going to turn down as it was free food. All went well through dinner, had a little starch but other then that all was paleo. Then a big plate of cookies were busted out and I just couldn’t hold back. This is definitely my problem. I can eat extremely clean and don’t have trouble with it as long as the food isn’t around me, but when it’s right in front of my face I don’t have the self-restraint to hold myself back. So the cookies pretty much through my intake out of wack a bit, not to crazy, but enough so my calories and carbs were both a little high. 12/16/09 Intake2710 CaloriesFat 112 grams 37%Carbs 177.5 grams 27%Protein 235 grams 35%Fiber 17.5 gramsCholesterol 1280mg I didn’t…