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CrossFit In Vermont: Friday, December 11th, 2009

Ha, more junk eating yesterday. I’m hitting it hard starting today. None of this crap I want to be a machine and get ripped up. I don’t want my performance or health to suffer because of overly self-indulgent practices. 12/10/09 IntakeCalories 3073Fat 138 grams 40%Carbs 334 grams 43%Protein 129.5 17%Fiber 16gCholesterol 931mg Prett sore today. My shoulders are really worked, traps are sore, lower back is worked, and quads are pretty cooked. So dreading the destructiveness that is going to come with today’s workout. Stress wise on a positive note, and non-training related, I got a 100% on my Financial Management Exam. WOD:AMRAP 20 minutes25 Burpees15x185lb Barbell Back Squat 4 Full Rounds + 15 Burpees This workout was brutal, especially considering the overall pain my body is in from the last two days of training. Squats felt a little weak, none of the…

CrossFit In Vermont: Thursday, December 10th, 2009

What do you know. Poor, poor eating again yesterday. It’s not acceptable but I will say that I’m under a lot of stress right now which I think has something to do with the eating. I’m stressed because of school and have come under some recent hardships, unfortunately in the long run, i.e. the day, I think the eating is just making things worse. 12/9/09 IntakeCalories 2646Fat 152 gramsCarbs 188.5 carbsProtein 129.5 gramsFiber 15 gramsCholesterol 1570mg Woke up this morning feel really good. I thought I would be considerably more sore given the heavy and hard workout last night. Went to bed relatively early last night as well, so it was good to get a solid nights rest. It’s really starting to get cold out now, and we actually have snow, so although my tendonitis is finally gone, there won’t be much running…

CrossFit In Vermont: Wednesday, December 9th, 2009

So what do you know another awful day of eating yesterday. I don’t know what is happening to me, I’m really have trouble controlling what I eat. The same thing has started to happen today as well. I’m not even going to go into what I ate yesterday, can just say that it was bad, and I’m pissed at myself for letting myself slide so much. I need to get my head on straight with my nutrition. 12/8/09 IntakeCalories 3304Fat 152 grams 41%Carbs 321 grams 39%Protein 167 grams 20%Fiber 15 gramsCholesterol 1620mg After a good rest day I felt great today despite the lack of sleep. I stayed up pretty late last night, 3AM, to get school work done. It’s crunch time at school right now for the next week or so. Anyway felt great and was pumped to do another big strength…

CrossFit In Vermont: Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

Another great day of eating yesterday. Non-paleo food was 2 TBSP of kechup, 2 TBSP of butter, and 2 TBSP of caesar dressing. Got a good amount of veggies in and my in take levels were pretty much perfect. 12/7/09 IntakeCalories 2335Fat 117.5 grams 45%Carbs 106.5 19%Protein 210 grams 36%Fiber 24.5 gramsCholesterol 1148mg Nice to have a rest day today after a few hard days of training. My quads were still a bit sore this morning, while my traps and lower back still have a considerable amount of soreness in them. Slowly working on refining my programming which I think I will probably put into use sometime next week. The schedule is based around a number of areas that I feel need to be addressed in strength and conditioning training. Much of this is addressed in the met-con and strength work that CrossFit…

CrossFit In Vermont: Monday, December 7th, 2009

Great day of eating yesterday after my poor intake on Saturday. Non-paleo food was 3 TBSP organic ketchup and 2 TBSP organic caesar dressing. 12/6/09 IntakeCalories 1916Fat 78 grams 37%Carbs 118.5 grams 25%Protein 183 grams 38%Fiber 28.5 gramsCholesterol 975mg My legs are absolutely destroyed this morning. I guess I shouldn’t say my legs all together, but my quads are jello. They are definitely worked. In addition my traps and lower back are pretty worked. All those full cleans definitely take a toll on the lower back and naturally just pulling and holding onto the weight works the traps. As my workouts got kind of screwy last week today was a strength day. The last week I’ve been thinking about how I want to program for the gym. I’ve made what I believe are some good conclusions based on my own training and the…