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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

WOD: Work Your Weakness Strength: 20 minutes (Pick 2 movements. These movements must be strength based. Pick a rep range between 1-5 and a weight, if applicable, to match the rep range. Perform the 1st movement for the given rep range every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes and then move to the 2nd movement, performing the given rep range every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes.) Work Your Weakness Met-con:  12 minute AMRAP (This must be a couplet. So pick 2 movements, pick the weights where applicable. Reps are 30 for both movements. Perform an AMRAP for 12 minutes with the given movements, weights, and reps.) Post results/thoughts to comments As always great to see all you athletes buckling down and really hammering your weaknesses. They will only get better if you focus on them and focus on doing them right. If you’re competing in the Open make sure you…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

WOD: Overhead Squat: 5-5-5-5-5 AQAP:10 Muscle-ups100 Push Press 75/531000m Row Post results/thoughts to comments Some more PR’s today on the overhead squat. For those that are battling with mobility with this movement make sure you continue to work light and work on the mobility. The mobility required for the overhead squat will carry over and help you in so many other movements. If you’re looking for stuff to do don’t forget to check out the MobilityWOD. We didn’t get a picture, so I’ll say it here, congrats to Sophie for her first muscle-up. See you tomorrow to work some weaknesses. Cheers. Alaina cranking on the rower Del getting up to those rings – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, March 5th, 2012

WOD: “60 Day Paleo Challenge Benchmarks“ 3RM DeadliftMax Pull-ups3 rounds AQAP:21 Deadlifts 135/9515 Hang Power Cleans 135/959 Thrusters 135/95 Post results/thoughts to comments So amazing to see how well so many of you did on the Paleo Challenge, you should all be proud of turning yourselves into healthier, and hopefully happier human beings. I saw big PR’s on the deadlift, minutes dropped off the workout, 10 or more pull-ups gained and pounds lost. Again CrossFit and the Paleo diet are a lifestyle, so don’t let it all go away now, keep with it, and continue to reap the rewards of a healthy, active, and natural lifestyle. Cheers. Phillip with a PR on the deadlift Tanya with a PR…and more pull-ups and time off and a few pounds Terri, Pete, and a bunch of other Paleo eaters ripping through the met-con – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

WOD: “Hawks”- AQAP:1000m Row50 Deadlifts 225/15550 Thrusters 95/6550 Box Jumps 30/2450 Burpees50/side Plate Overhead Walking Lunges 45/25100 Double-unders I just want to say thank you all very much for coming in today and pouring it out in this workout. Whether you knew Ryan or not he was a special part of not only this community but of the entire world. If anyone is interested in the foundation setup in his name to help young skiers you can learn about it by clicking HERE. Thanks for coming in, you’ll see this one again in a year and I hope you are all still a part of this amazing community of people. Cheers. And the first heat is off Julie and Jordan working hard and both wearing their shirts And the kids working through their version of the workout – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, March 2nd, 2012

WOD: Snatch: 15 minutes to build to a max snatch, anyway, anyhow “Open 12.2”- 10 minute AMRAP:30 Snatches 75/4530 Snatches 135/7530 Snatches 165/100Max Snatches 210/120 or scale to 30 Snatches @ 50% of today’s max snatch30 Snatches @ 65% of today’s max snatch30 Snatches @ 80% of today’s max snatchMax Snatches @ 100% of today’s max snatch Post results/thoughts to comments Whether you came in to compete in the Open or just came into class you all did an amazing job today. A bunch of you hit PR’s while breathing hard and already doing 30 or 60 snatches before your PR. A handful of people came in, in the evening just to hang out, watch, and cheer the amazing athletes on here. If you’re looking for something to come do stop by, and again, anyone can come workout and do the workout, you DO NOT NEED TO…