Category: Uncategorized

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, February 20th, 2012

WOD: Push Jerk: 5-5-5-5-5 3 rounds for Max Reps:90 seconds Row For Calories30 seconds Rest90 seconds Ball Slams 40/3030 seconds Rest Post results/thoughts to comments Awesome work today everybody. You all did an awesome job. One of the keys to the push jerk is going to be your footwork, so be very conscious of what you’re feet are doing, and get them moving fast. Great work on the workout. Nothing too fancy or exciting, just plain old hard work. Hope to see lots of people for a fun one tomorrow. Cheers. President’s day brought some packed classes with almost 100 people in the gym today Berk putting some heat on the ball – Jade

A Couple of Things

A few reminders for everybody. We will begin moving this weekend. Saturday and Sunday we will be spending the day at the new facility moving, unloading, sawing, hanging, and screwing things together. We can use any and all helping hands. Saturday there will only be an 8:00 AM class, followed by a 9:00 AM kids class. Moving will begin around 9:30 AM, and we will work for the day. Whether you can help for 45 minutes, or all day, any and all help is appreciated. Hit the link below to put down any tools, or other items you might have to bring. This Friday the CrossFit Open begins for us. We will begin running heats at 5:00 PM on Friday (you can show up as early as 4:00 to begin moving around and warming up). There will be no structured class. Anyone…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, February 18th, 2012

WOD: AQAP:30 Handstand Push-ups40 Pull-ups50 Kettlebell Swings 53/3560 Abmat Sit-ups70 Burpees Post results/thoughts to comments A nice little WOD from the mainsite today. It was awesome to see so many people jump up and work on handstand lowers, or handstand push-ups. Great little workout with conditioning movements that kept getting the heart rate up more and more as the workout went on. Have a great weekend everybody and enjoy the sunshine. Cheers. Swinging the kettlebells Working the handstand push-ups – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, February 17th, 2012

WOD: Power Snatch: 3-3-3 Unbroken Power Snatch: 10-10-10 4 rounds for Max Reps:40 seconds Ring Dips20 seconds Rest40 seconds Toes-to-bar20 seconds Rest40 seconds Hang Power Snatch 95/6520 seconds Rest Post results/thoughts to comments Nice work on the snatches today guys. A number of you are getting better with the movement and getting comfortable with the receiving position. Great work. Nice job working through a met-con with some tough movements. Keep up the great work and hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers. Hanging on the bar Travis with a big ole kip on the toes-to-bar – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, February 16th, 2012

WOD: Deadlift: 10-10-10-10-10 5 rounds AQAP:10 Thrusters 135/9510 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 135/95 Post results/thoughts to comments Awesome work today everybody. Great work on the heavy deads, and awesome job on the thrusters and high-pulls. Definitely a little heavier than we normally see, but you all pushed through them and did awesome. Come in for some Oly work tomorrow. Cheers. Jess stepping it up with a little extra weight today and doing a great job Elliott’s last day training with us, good luck with your future endeavors…and a great rack position to leave on Cheri has been working hard and coming diligently…she’s continuing to get strong, faster, and fitter – Jade