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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

WOD: Pull-up Practice: 10 minutes “Tabatta Something Else”- Max Reps:8 rounds of 20:10 at each movement with 1 minute rest in between movements Pull-upsPush-upsSit-upsAir SquatsRow For Calories Post results/thoughts to comments A classic CrossFit workout today. You all tore it up and a bunch of you made big strides on your pull-ups. Totally awesome. Way to push hard and really give it your all for each and every rep, especially on those air squats and the rower. Keep up the great work. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers. Lisa getting all the way down on her push-ups A packed class hammering it at 5:30 PM AIR SQUATS! – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

WOD: Back Squat: 5-5-5-5-5 8 minute AMRAP:8 Ball Slams 40/308 Box Jumps 30/248 Squat Clean Wall Balls 20/14 Post results/thoughts to comments Nice work on the back squats today everybody. Some of you were moving some serious weight. Something that I helped a number of people with that seems to be a common problem, make sure you keep those knees out. Knees out will help you recruit more muscles, make it easier to get deep, and allow you to keep your torso more upright all for a better squat. Great work on a little burner today. Look forward to seeing lots of you tomorrow for a little benchmark. Cheers. Phil getting the ball overhead Greg working through some of the squat clean wall balls Dave, WORKED! – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, February 13th, 2012

WOD: Bench Press:5@65% of 1RM5@70% of 1RM3@75% of 1RM3@80% of 1RM1@85% of 1RMMax Reps@90% of 1RM 7 rounds AQAP:7 Power Cleans 135/957 Shoulder-to-overhead 135/957 Burpees Post results/thoughts to comments I saw a ton of you step up on the weight on your cleans and overhead today. Way to work through a tough workout. You all did awesome. PR’s on the bench for many of you as well. Pushing around those big weights on the bench will help expose your triceps and shoulders to some additional weight and help you with your overhead movements. Great work on everything today. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers. Austin stepping up his weights today and working hard Sophie hitting full extension on her burpees Packed classes in the evening – Jade

We’re Moving

So it’s officially official. We are finally moving. The plan is to move Saturday the 25th and Sunday the 26th of February. We can use any and all help. In addition we will be doing some painting and building. If there is anybody handy with carpentry we could use help building some new plyo boxes. Things we will need are ladders, drills, hammer drills, sawzalls, painting supplies, socket wrenches, sockets for power drills, among other things. So, if you can help and have the time, not only myself, but the coaches, and the entire community at Champlain Valley CrossFit would greatly appreciate it. In the meantime I went over to the space today. Things are coming along very nicely. Check out the video for a little tour of the space. – Jade

Tri-State Throwdown

A big congratulations to Dani and Trevor who did an amazing job at the CrossFit Albany Tri-State Throwdown. Trevor finished 3rd overall, and Dani finished 1st overall. The event was brutal and they both were incredible working through everything. Below is what they did. WOD #1:8 minute AMRAP:9 Box Jumps 30/246 Handstand Push-ups3 Front Squats 185/125 WOD #2:3 rounds AQAP:20 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups/Pull-ups10 Clean and Jerk 135/95 WOD #3:6 minutes:Establish a 1RM Axle Clean and Jerk Rest 4 minutes 6 minutes:Row Max Meters WOD #4:3 rounds AQAP:7 Deadlifts 275/18514 Alternating Pistol Squats21 Unbroken Double-unders WOD #5: This was an eliminator WOD. 8 Men and Women did the workout. There were 7, short, 2-3 minute workouts. The slowest person in each one was eliminated until the last workout where there were only 2 people. Both Trevor and Dani made the final with Dani winning and…