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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, February 11th, 2012

WOD: 3 rounds AQAP:25 Pull-ups50 Push-ups75 Abmat Sit-ups100 Air Squats Post results/thoughts to comments While I wasn’t in today, I saw some people battle through this workout on Sunday, and I saw the board littered with names and times. Great work everybody, you may be a tid bit sore from that one, it was A LOT of volume. Way to work hard, and no better way to get those bodyweight movements down than hammering some volume like that. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers. Sefton battling through the sit-ups Busting out some air squats – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, February 13th, 2012

WOD: Work Your Weakness Strength: 20 minutes (Pick 2 movements. These movements must be strength based. Pick a rep range between 1-5 and a weight, if applicable, to match the rep range. Perform the 1st movement for the given rep range every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes and then move to the 2nd movement, performing the given rep range every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes.) Work Your Weakness Met-con:  12 minute AMRAP (This must be a couplet. So pick 2 movements, pick the weights where applicable. Reps are 30 for both movements. Perform an AMRAP for 12 minutes with the given movements, weights, and reps.) Post results/thoughts to comments Great work today everybody. As always awesome to see you all hit the things you are bad at. Make sure on work your weakness day you really ask yourself if what you are doing is something you are really bad….

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, February 9th, 2012

WOD: Clean Complex: 1-1-1-1-1 (1 complex consists of 1 Deadlift, 1 Power Clean, 1 Hang Squat Clean, 1 Split Jerk) 15 minute AMRAP:50 Burpeesthen AMRAP remaining time of12 Kettlebell Swings 70/5312 Dumbbell Lunges 35/25 Post results/thoughts to comments Nice job on the cleans today everybody. Like we did with the Snatch last week, breaking the movement into a complex is a great way to hit different variations and/or pieces of a single movement and find where your really need the work. Great work on the workout, some of you worked through your first ever 50 burpees in a row, while others worked through a damn fast 50 burpees. Great work today. Working your weaknesses tomorrow. Cheers. Alain with a great position overhead with the kettlebell Del getting under some weight I got made a Lululemon Ambassador last night…thanks so much to Dani, everyone at…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

WOD: Press:5 @ 65% of 1RM5 @ 70% of 1RM3 @ 75% of 1RM3 @ 80% of 1RM1 @ 85% of 1RMMax Reps @ 90% of 1RM If you’ve done this cycle before added 2.5-5lbs to each and every one of your sets. Add the same weight one very single set. 10 minute AMRAP:10 Jerks 135/9520 Pull-ups30 Double-unders Post results/thoughts to comments Nice work today everybody. Lots of PR’s on the press, and you got to smoke your shoulders with the met-con. Keep up the great work, and please, keep practicing the double-unders. THEY WILL COME. Many of you who didn’t have them a couple months ago can now do them, just keep working on them if you don’t have them. Cheers. Zach representing in one of the new shirts…about 60% of the soft goods are gone, if you still want some make sure you get them Monica…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

WOD: Overhead Squat: 5-5-3-3-1-1 “2011 Regionals WOD #3”- 21-15-19 – AQAP:Deadlifts 315/205Box Jumps 30/24 Post results/thoughts to comments I saw a number of people hit PR’s today which was awesome. One thing to remember, when we do strength work especially, don’t expect to PR all the time. If it’s your first month of training you’ll PR all the time, but if you’ve been CrossFitting for 6+ months your PR’s will be less often. Cherish the ones you get and don’t expect to get them all the time. They take hard work and dedication, but that’s why they feel so damn awesome to hit. Press day is tomorrow. Hope to see lots of people. Cheers. Brendan working through the deadlifts…since the end of September when he started he’s lost 20+ pounds, gone from 1 to 10+ pull-ups and gotten stronger across the board…eat paleo, train…