Category: Uncategorized

Soft Goods

So soft goods were ordered a little over  a week ago. We had a little snag with the hoodie that held things up, but we should be seeing everything by next Tuesday. Quantities are limited, and will be first come first serve. T-shirts are $25 each, we stepped up to a higher quality shirt, and the hoodies will be $40, they are full zips hoodies. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

WOD: Pull-up Practice: 10 minutes 10 rounds of 1 minute on 1 minute off:Each round you must complete 25 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 (these are american swings). For each round you don’t complete the 25 Swings a 5 Burpee penalty is given out. Immediately upon finishing the 10th round perform the Burpees you been allotted over the course of the workout. Your final score is still your time, use a running clock. Post results/thoughts to comments Great job on everything today guys. Congratulations to Heather Bosen who got her first pull-up. Way to go Heather. The swing workout looked a little deceiving for many. Some thought it was pretty easy at the start, but many found by the end they could barely hold on and were quickly racking up burpees. Great work, hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers. Seems we didn’t get any…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, January 18th, 2012

WOD: Deadlift: 5-5-5-5-5 5 rounds AQAP:10 Toes-to-bar15 Games Push-ups20 Alternating Overhead Lunges w/Plate 45/25 Post results/thoughts to comments Great work on the deadlifts today everybody. I saw some heavy weights moved around and a number of you hit PR’s. Haven’t done the overhead lunges in some time, they’re a tough little movement and it was great to see you all battle to keep the plate over your head for the duration of the sets. Keep up the great work. Plates up overhead…Alaina, Mike and Drew working hard Liz has been working hard and hitting more and more workouts as Rx’d – Jade

Progenex – New Order

Progenex is gone. Didn’t realize it would go so quick. I’m going to order more tomorrow. Link below is to a spreadsheet to mark what you want. If you want some now or are going to want some in the next couple of weeks mark yourself down. The order will be placed at the end of the day tomorrow, so if you’re not posted there may not be any for you. – Jade


Progenex is in, but it’s already about half gone. This is great stuff, myself, Dani, Trevor, and others have all found great success with it. It’s a great post workout supplement, and it tastes even better. If we sell right out of it I’ll order more and I’ll be happy to put a list together to make sure that everyone who wants some has it ordered. Progenex recommends taking 2 scoops of both the Recovery and More Muscle post workout. I personally think that is a little too much. Each bag has 30 servings, the Recovery is $55, and the More Muscle is $60. My personal recommendation would be to take a full serving of Recovery and 1/2 serving of More Muscle post workout. On your off days take 1/2 serving of More Muscle right when you wake up. If you want some,…