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The Garage Games Northeast Finals – CrossFit Southie

First and foremost I just want to say how proud I am of everybody for doing such an amazing job this weekend. You all poured it out and gave it your all over the course of the weekend on multiple workouts. In addition I have to say I’m so thankful to have so many amazing people in the gym that have helped form such an awesome community, and not just the folks that competed, everyone! I don’t think a single person regretted competing this weekend, even though many of them were extremely nervous going into the event, I feel like they would all tell you guys to compete yourselves. With that I strongly encourage you all to consider doing a competition. Whether it’s going to an actual event or doing the CrossFit Open, I believe it’s a great test both mentally and physically….

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, November 12th, 2011

WOD: 10 rounds AQAP:15 Kettlebell Swings 70/5315 Double-unders15 Games Push-ups Post results/thoughts to comments While I was gone for the weekend I heard there were some big classes and that everyone tore up the workout. If you guys don’t like tuck jumps, work on those double-unders. Remember, no matter what the push-up, hold your plank, don’t snake, it’ll pay off and make you bigger, faster stronger, and more awesome. See you Monday. Cheers. Adam cranking through some jump rope – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, November 11th, 2011

WOD: Power Clean: 3-3-3 Unbroken Power Clean: 10-10-10 7 rounds AQAP:3 Power Cleans 205/14510 Toes-to-bar Post results/thoughts to comments Some big heavy cleans today. Something I worked with a few folks today. If you’re having trouble curling the bar and not getting you elbows under the bar, do your cleans in front of the squat rack. It will quickly correct any swinging, or at least will force you to. Hope you all have an awesome weekend. I’m down to Boston for the Garage Games at CrossFit Southie to help everyone out. Wish everybody luck, Dani, Kristi, Trevor, Monica, Kathy, Elliott, Ryan, Tanya, Kris, Bart, and Del are all competing. Cheers. Tim nailed down his kipping toes-to-bar this morning Bob on his power cleans – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, November 10th, 2011

WOD: Pull-up Practice: 15 minutes (work on anything with pull-ups, kipping, chest-to-bar, strict, weighted, butterfly, etc) 3 rounds AQAP:30 Squat Snatch 75/5330 Wall Balls 20/14 Post results/thoughts to comments I saw a few of you getting closer to the butterfly today, and a bunch of you made some great progress on your normal kip. As I said when we went over the snatch, make sure you guys focus on the skill and technique of the movement. The snatch is meant to be a fluid movement, not a muscley one so focus on being smooth even if it means working lighter, it will pay off. Cheers. Ian recieving the bar on the snatch…and using the hook grip - Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

WOD: Back Squat:5 @ 65% of 1RM5 @ 70% of 1RM3 @ 75% of 1RM3 @ 80% of 1RM1 @ 85% of 1RMMax Reps @ 90% of 1RM If you’ve done this cycle before, add 10lbs to every set if your back squat 1RM is over 200lbs, add 5lbs to every set if your back squat 1RM is below 200lbs AQAP:800m Run w/Slam Ball 40/30100 Box Jumps 24/18800m Run w/Slam Ball 40/30 Post results/thoughts to comments Nice job on the back squats today everybody. Some heavy sets were had, and I know a bunch of people hit PRs. Hope you had fun running with the slam ball, a little awkward but something different and difficult. Hope to see a bunch of you for a tough one tomorrow. Cheers. Richard coming in on the end of a run Brian rounding his last lap Everybody…