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Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

WOD: Snatch Balance: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 12 minute AMRAP:2K RowMax Double-unders Post results/thoughts to comments Snatch balance, we haven’t seen this one in a little while. For those of you who have been struggling with the overhead squat I applaud you for stepping back and working on the overhead squat and not jumping into the snatch balance. The snatch balance is a great movement, but without a fully developed overhead squat I personally don’t think it is worth doing. For those of you with tight shoulders, keep working those stretches, the overhead squat will become WAY easier if you can get your shoulders looser. Keep up the great work and we’ll see you tomorrow. Cheers. Monica so pumped to run Ilse working through the box jumps Cranking the rower – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

WOD: Deadlift:5 @ 65% of 1RM5 @ 70% of 1RM3 @ 75% of 1RM3 @ 80% of 1RM1 @ 85% of 1RMMax Reps @ 90% of 1RM AQAP:100 Burpee Pull-ups Post results/thoughts to comments Amazing work today everybody. A bunch of you stepped it up and did burpees pull-ups instead of doing burpees and band pull-ups. Even if it was only a few, it’s  a start. Great job. Today marks 3 Wednesday, so 1 cycle of our powerlifting movements. We will be moving back to the back squat next Wednesday which you should be adding weight to based on this current cycle. Keep up the good work. See you tomorrow. Cheers. Kris gritted through it and did all 100 burpee pull-ups Our second CF Kids class…there will be another on on Saturday, October 1st All 3 down to the burpees – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

WOD: Clean and Jerk: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 C2 Rowing Intervals:4 x 500m w/2 minutes rest (don’t deviate more than 3 seconds across all 4 intervals) Post results/thoughts to comments Great work today everybody. We saw a bunch of PR’s on the clean and jerk and you all tore it up on the rowers. Remember the clean and rower are similar in that, those legs and hips need to extend all the way before any arm pull happens. Keep that in mind, be efficient, and create some power. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers. Rick with a big PR at 160lbs Cranking the rowing intervals – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit September Newsletter

Champlain Valley CrossFit September 2011 Newsletter Hope everyone is doing great. As I’m writing this I can’t believe that we are already half way through September. It’s great to see so many faces in the gym. We’ve had almost 20 new members come on this month between the On-ramp, privates, and college students, and we’ve seen a few of our members who were gone for the summer resurface. With that being said, it’s promising to see so many folks in and things look better as we are working on negotiating a lease at a new space. A couple quick things below for you all. Coaches If you haven’t noticed our schedule has shuffled around a bit. In addition we’ve added some new coaches. Dani, and Laura are now teaching classes, and for those who weren’t here in the spring Trevor is back from…