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From the Members

Jade, For the past 10 years I have suffered from lower back pain.  I’ve tried physical therapy, acupuncture, and facet injections.  None of these helped relieve my back pain. With no relief in sight, the Spine Institute recommended that I have Spinal Fusion surgery. Desperate to not undergo this procedure, with only an 80% chance that I might have some improvement, I asked for other options.  Core strengthening was recommended.  Hearing my story, Vinny Lizotte suggested I join Champlain Valley CrossFit.   After 6 months of CrossFit, I no longer have any lower back pain. I’ve climbed Camels’ Hump and Mt. Mansfield and spent a day rock climbing – all pain free.  A year ago, I wouldn’t have been able to do that.   When I first joined CrossFit, anything that involved bending over was a challenge.  I wasn’t able to do a single Burpee…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, July 9th, 2011

WOD: AQAP:100 feet Walking Lunges21 Pull-ups, Abmat Sit-ups, Box Jumps 24/18, Push-ups100 feet Walking Lunges18 Pull-ups, Abmat Sit-ups, Box Jumps 24/18, Push-ups100 feet Walking Lunges15 Pull-ups, Abmat Sit-ups, Box Jumps 24/18, Push-ups100 feet Walking Lunges12 Pull-ups, Abmat Sit-ups, Box Jumps 24/18, Push-ups100 feet Walking Lunges9 Pull-ups, Abmat Sit-ups, Box Jumps 24/18, Push-ups100 feet Walking Lunges6 Pull-ups, Abmat Sit-ups, Box Jumps 24/18, Push-ups Post results/thoughts to comments Great to see some folks in the gym this morning. Hope that your rears aren’t hurting too much tomorrow after all the lunges. Great job on the workout guys. You are all continuing to get stronger on your pull-ups. Cheers. Dani and Kathy hitting some of the lunges Del, Lisa, and Johnny working through the WOD – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, July 8th, 2011

WOD: Wendler: Week 5 – Pull AQAP:100 Burpee Box Jumps 24/18 Post results/thoughts to comments Your first week of your 2nd cycle of the Wendler program is in the books. I saw a bunch of you pull more weight/reps today so I hope you are all getting stronger. If some of you are finding the weights to be too heavy, check your ego, and take the weight down. Getting those extra reps on the last set will benefit you much more than a low rep set. Stick with it guys and I’m sure you can all expect to see a 35-70lb increase on your CrossFit total when we do it after the 3 cycles. Hope we see you tomorrow, if not, have a great weekend. Cheers. The morning class pushing hard Bart motoring through the burpee box jumps Chris with a PR on his…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, July 7th, 2011

WOD: Split Jerk: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 “Annie”- 50-40-30-20-10 – AQAP:Double-undersAbmat Sit-ups (no anchoring of feet) Post results/thoughts to comments We saw some big weights overhead today which is so awesome. A number of you got your bodyweight or close to your bodyweight which is a huge milestone. Split Jerks were new for a number of you and you guys all did great with them. The key to the split jerk is speed, and getting that speed will only come with practice, so if you come into class early some day just drill the split jerk with the PVC. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers. Donny and Zack feeling the burn on the sit-ups Heather airing a tuck jump Bob getting some weight overhead – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

WOD: Wendler: Week 5 – Press AQAP:25 Dumbbell Push Press 40/305 Toes-to-bar20 Dumbbell Push Press 40/3010 Toes-to-bar15 Dumbbell Push Press 40/3015 Toes-to-bar10 Dumbbell Push Press 40/3020 Toes-to-bar5 Dumbbell Push Press 40/3025 Toes-to-bar Post results/thoughts to comments After smoking the legs yesterday I think we did a good job doing the same to the shoulders today. Super awesome work today guys. Those toes-to-bar are rough, but more and more of you are starting to get them. Keep up the good work guys, hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers. Lisa, Christian, and Kathy getting their dumbbells overhead Dani and Chris getting after it Terri and Tanya hitting the bench A big class at 5:45 PM – Jade