*Looking for some new gear. LuluLemon will be here Friday, March 10th for Open Workout 17.3 doing a trunk sale. Stop in and grab some new gear!

** The Open Is Coming HERE…Note for  Friday’s through 3/24 evening classes will be cancelled, however the gym will be open and any athletes not participating in the Open are more than welcome to come in and train.


1) “Open 17.3 – AQAP:

0:00-8:00 to Complete

3 rounds of…

6 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

6 Squat Snatch 95/65


3 rounds of…

7 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

5 Squat Snatch 135/95

8:00-12:00 to Complete

3 rounds of…

8 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

4 Squat Snatch 185/135

12:00-16:00 to Complete

3 rounds of…

9 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

3 Squat Snatch 225/155

16:00-20:00 to Complete

3 rounds of…

10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

2 Squat Snatch 245/175

20:00-24:00 to Complete

3 rounds of…

11 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

1 Squat Snatch 265/185

Have fun!

2) Front Squat: Every 2:00 x 9 sets

Sets 1-3 – 5 Reps @ 65-70%

Sets 4-6 – 3 Reps @ 75-80%

Sets 7-9 – 1 Reps @ 85-90%

Same weights across all 3 sets at each rep range. This will be a basic linear progression for the next 6-8 weeks.

3) 5 rounds AQAP:

75 Double-unders

30 Wall Balls 20/14

15/10 Calories Assault Bike

Rest 5 minutes

Keep track of time of each individual round.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE