* Monday, September 1st, there will be only ONE class at 9 AM

** CrossFit Team Series Information HERE


1) 6 rounds AQAP:

30 Air Squats

19 Power Cleans 135/95

7 Strict Banded Pull-ups

400m Run

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed.

Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

Wow, this day has rolled around yet again and I’m always impressed by all the people involved and grateful for all the people have made it happen. Todays marks CVCF being open for 4 YEARS! I feel like it was just yesterday, literally the time has gone that fast, that I was loading my Jeep up with Dumbbells and driving to Dorest Park to work out with a handful of folks in the grass. At that time there was no CrossFit around, we opened the first affiliate, and it is amazing to see what our amazing little gym has blossomed into and how it has helped spark a much larger awareness, love, and need for CrossFit in the area, with 5 other affiliates now residing within about 20 minutes of CVCF. We have done a lot together, gotten stronger, faster, and healthier, we’ve lost pounds, inches and old clothes, we’ve formed relationships in and out of the gym, founds new friends, and brought new lives into the world, and we’ve gotten our first Pull-up, Muscle-up or Double-under, run our first Mile, 5K, or Marathon, and become fit enough to compete against our grandkids, peers, and the fittest on Earth. It’s truly inspiring to see everything that our community has accomplished and I’m truly thankful for the job I get to wake up to everyday. While Labor day is supposed to mark a day of relaxation and not laboring, at least for most, I find this my 4th year in a row getting up to “labor” and come into work, however there is no other group of people I would rather spend my Labor Day with. Thank you all so much for molding such an amazing community, creating an amazing facility, and helping support one another to become better human beings. I look forward to continuing this journey with you all for another year so keep kicking ass!