*New strength program starts Monday. Check it out HERE.


1) Strict Press: Establish a 1RM

Warm-up as needed. Rest as needed. Take as many attempts as possible.

2) Clean and Jerk: 1 rep EMOTM x 20 sets

Full Squat Clean and Split Jerk. Start around 60%. Goal should be clean fast reps, so only build as heavy as you can maintain that.

3) Bar Muscle-ups: 10 minutes EMOTM

Pick a rep count you can maintain for all 10 minutes.

4) AQAP:

2000m Row

50 Toes-to-bar

30 Power Snatch 155/105

Don’t row too conservatively, push the pace a little to see how you feel getting off the rower a little more worked. Row around 10 seconds slower than your PR 2K pace.

5) Sled Drag: 400m

Light. Focus on walking through your heels, glute, hamstrings, low back activation is the goal.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed.

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