Starting next Tuesday, February 9th, Jason Wolstenholme will be doing a 4 week running clinic. Check it out here.

** This Saturday, the 6th Lululemon will be in to do a Trunk Sale make sure you stop by

*** Have you tried Paleo Naturals food yet. If not stop by Monday Evening the 8th they will be up sampling a ton of their awesome products.


1) Snatch: Quickly Build to 70-80% for a Single

Perform this in whatever manner is most efficient for you to move a heavy load. Rest as needed, but focus on quicker rest periods.

2a) 7 minute AMRAP:

Max Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20

No transition time from Part A to B, one running clock.

2b) 6 minutes to Establish:

Max Snatch

Any style of lift. As many attempts as desired.  Must start with an empty bar. Must have collars on the bar for your lift to count. Scoring for parts A + B. So that there is no gaming and I think we could see something like this in the Open so that you don’t have people putting up tiny scores on the Met-con and Huge lifts and vice versa. Each Burpee Box Jump Over will count for 2 Points, each pound on the Snatch will count for 1 Point. Your final score is a combined total of the two. For example athlete “A” performs 88 Burpee Box Jump Overs, which would net 176 points, and Snatched 200lbs. There score would be 376 points.

3a) 12 minute AMRAP:

150 Wall Balls 30/20

90 Double-unders

Max Muscle-ups

No transition time from Part A to B, one running clock. 10ft Target for Men and Women.

3b) 6 minutes to Establish

Max 3-Position Squat Clean

Must start with an empty barbell, must use collars for the lift to count. All 3 Cleans must be full Squat. Order is Floor, Below the Knee Hang, Above the Knee Hang. Similar scoring to 2a and 2b. Wall Balls and Double-Unders are negligible, all proficient athletes will get through that. Each muscle-up is worth 10 points. Each pound on the 3-Position Clean is worth 1 pound. For example Athlete “A” performs 12 Muscle-ups, which would net them 120 points and 3-Position Cleans 185lbs. There score would be 305 points.

4) 4 rounds AQAP:

3 Rope Climbs (1 Legless + 2 w/Legs) 15ft

9 Strict HSPU

15 Toes-to-bar

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE