*Sign-up for the 2019 CVCF Team Internal Throwdown – HERE – Registration will close Sunday 5/19

**Sunday, April 14th, 8-10 AM. Gym Clean-up Day…there will be NO Open Gym. Come lend us a hand, we’ll be painting plates, cleaning bars, tearing down machines and we could use your help. Donuts and Coffee will be provided.


1) AQAP:

15 Clean and Jerk 135/95

12 Clean and Jerk 185/135

9 Clean and Jerk 205/145

6 Clean and Jerk 225/155

3 Clean and Jerk 265/175

6 Clean and Jerk 225/155

9 Clean and Jerk 205/145

12 Clean and Jerk 185/135

15 Clean and Jerk 135/95

Scale as needed. Reps are all anyway, anyhow.

2) 5 rounds AQAP:

400m Run 


3 rounds of…

5 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats

Scale as needed.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE