*Fall Wholeness Challenge Sign-up HERE

**Please be mindful as the weather is turning, or CF Burn classes will be moving inside (we are looking to expand this schedule)…this means at those times, the back room will be in use for one of the two classes going on. Please be respectful that there are two classes going on. Please don’t make us hound you to move out of the space. This accounts for 1 hour of the approximately 90 hours/week we are open. If you plan on being in the gym Tuesday at 5:30 PM, please plan on participating in class or you can use the small back storage area.


1) Swim

A) 300m As…

     2 x

     50m Catch Up

     50m Finger Tip Drag

     50m Sculling

B) 2 x

     25m Butterfly, Rest 1:00

     3x15m Freestyle Sprint, No Breath, Every 1:00

C) 10x100m Freestyle @ 70-80%, Rest :20

D) 200m Freestyle Leg w/ Fin. Full Body underwater, breath as necessary.

Work for maintainable paces across each respective piece.

Distance references if you are changing modalities HERE

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE