Pre Class:

1) 18 minute EMOTM:

Minutes 1-3 – 10-20 Calories Rowed

Minutes 4-6 – 9 Kettlebell Deadlift + 6 Kettlebell Hang Clean + 3 Kettlebell Push Press 53/35

Minutes 7-9 – 100ft Sandbag Carry 200/150

Pick output you can maintain for all rounds. Perform the 9 minute EMOTM 2x through.


2) Snatch High-Pull + High-Hang Muscle Snatch + Pause Overhead Squat: Every 1:00 x 7 sets

Start around 50% of your 1RM Snatch. Build as heavy as deemed fit.

3) High-Hang Power Snatch + Snatch Push Press: Every 1:00 x 7 sets

Continue to build loading from Part 1.

4) Snatch Pull + High-Hang Snatch: Every 1:00 x 7 sets

Continue to build loading from Part 2.

5a) 3 rounds AQAP:

50 Double-unders

12 Chest-to-bar Pul-ups

6 Overhead Squats 155/105

Rest 5 minutes

5b) 2 rounds AQAP:

75 Double-unders

18 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

9 Overhead Squats 155/105

Rest 5 minutes

5c) AQAP:

100 Double-unders

36 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

18 Overhead Squats 155/105

Extra Work:

6) Death By Rope Climb: 2x Through

Perform Death by Rope Climb, 1 on minute 1, 2 on minute 2, and so on. Once you fail. Rest 5 minutes and repeat.

7) Strict Handstand Push-up: Every 1:30 x 7 sets

You pick the rep count. The stimulus is unbroken sets for all 7 sets. During your “rest” time perform at a slow pace, PVC Strict Press. Goal here to work on your shoulder recovery capacity, not on huge sets of Strict Handstand Push-ups.

8) L-Sit: Accumulate 2-3 minutes

Keep track of time and attempts to complete. Focus should be on large blocks of time, so rest as needed for desired stimulus.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE