*Day Classes Cancelled today. Open gym from 5:30 AM-1:00 PM. Evening classes on as normal.

**CVCF Stowe Bowl HERE

***New Squat Cycle HERE

****2019 Events Breakdown HERE…Mis-scheduling on our part, Internal Throwdown date has been changed.


Session A:

1) 5 sets of:

2 Strict Press +

4 Push Press

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Build as heavy as deemed fit.

2) Every 3:00 x 5 sets: 7 T+G Power Clean + Push Jerk

Reference last week for loading. Build as heavy as deemed fit.

3) 5 rounds AQAP:

50ft Handstand Walk

15 Calories Rowed

9 Strict Ring Dips

Scale as needed. Handstand Walk must be done in 25ft unbroken segments.

4) Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 4 sets of 20

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Heavy as possible.

Session B:

1) 40 minute EMOTM:

1 – 10-20 Calories C2 Bike @ Damper 1

2 – 10-15 Box Jump Overs 30/24

3 – 150-200m Run

4 – 6-10 D-Ball Over the Shoulder 150/100

Pick reps/output that you can maintain for all 10 sets.

2) Poop Squat Hold: Accumulate 5-10 minutes

Keep track of attempts to complete. Ultimate goal is to be able to do this for 10 minutes straight.
For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE