Next Programming Block HERE

Pre Class:

1) Muscle Snatch: Quickly Build to a Heavy Single

Spend around 10 minutes, warm-up included to establish a Heavy Single.

2) Snatch:

A – Build to a Moderately Heavy Single for the Day

B – 2 sets of 1 @ 90% of Today’s Heaviest

C – 5 sets of 1 @ 80% of Today’s Heaviest

Let form dictate loading, if lift is sloppy, chasing the bar, off balance, etc. don’t go heavier. If you fail a lift don’t go heavier.

3) Halting Snatch Deadlifts: 6 sets of 5 @ 80%>

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Use straps if you need them have them. This is a pull to just above the knee, hold above the knee for 3 seconds, then lower back to the floor, you should not be completing Hip and Knee Extension.

4) Snatch Push Press: 5 sets of 5

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as deemed fit.


5) Bench Press: 10 Reps Every 3:00 for 5 sets

Warm-up as needed. Start at 60% of your 1RM or heavier. Within the first 4 sets you must establish a 10RM for the Day. Your 5th set is a Max Reps sets done at 85% of your 10RM for the day. To get the proper stimulus from this it is inherit you establish an appropriate max otherwise your 85% Max Reps set will be far too light. Max reps set is cut-off at 20 reps.

6) 5 rounds:

10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

10 Hang Squat Cleans 135/95

10 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95

15/10 Cals Assault Bike

Rest 5 minutes

Scale pull-ups up or down as needed, this should be a moderate set, unbroken, something that you know you can hit every round. Barbell scale loading up or down as needed to get desired effect of unbroken Cleans into unbroken STOH at a relatively quick pace, i.e. no pausing on either movements. Record times for each individual round and total time to complete.

Extra Work:

 7) 5-4-3-2-1 – Minutes:

Row for Cals

Ski Erg for Cals

Score is total Cals for the entire piece.

8) Seated Dumbbell Strict Press; 4 sets of 6-8 reps

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible.

9) Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Curl: 100 reps for time

Pick a weight you can do around 30-40 reps in a max effort set. Record time and sets to complete.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE