*Membership Price Changes HERE


1) 60 minute AMRAP:

400m Run

1 Legless Rope Climb 15ft

100m Empty Dog Sled Push

7 Clean and Jerks 135/95

50 Double-unders

10 Toes-to-bar

Perform at a sustainable, aerobic pace. Goal is for every round to be the same time. Hold paces on each movement so you can move from one to the next with as little transition as possible.

2) Tempo Strict Pull-ups: 4 sets of 4

3 seconds Up, 3 second Pause Chin Over the Bar, 3 second Descent. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Add load/assistance as needed.

3) Wide Grip Landmine Row: 3 sets of 15 + 10

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Use a loading that you can just barely perform 15 reps strict, than use your hips/legs to help you through the additional 10 reps.

4) Not For Time:

50 GHD Sit-ups

1 minute L-Sit Accumulate

2 minute D-Ball Bear Hold 150/100 Accumulate

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE